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"You sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" mum asked as she finished bandaging up my arm.

"I'm fine," I replied, "I'll be healed up in a couple days, don't worry too much, I didn't get hit by anything too hard so I have no broken bones."

"Alright," she looked at me sceptically before smacking my head, "idiot! You're grounded."

"Oh wow, you almost sounded like an actual mum and not a gang leader there," I sassed, earning another smack on the head.

"See you in the morning, brat," she left my room and I just sat on the edge of my bed and stared at the cloth that blocked my view of my wall of guitars and basically anything musical.

Leaning forward, I go to grab it but retract my hand and flop down on my bed.

"Best not do that," I muttered before pulling my covers over myself and yawning, "so tired..."

The next morning, I get up and head to school, when I get there, people give me weird looks but no one approached me. It'd be hard to explain anyway. That is, hard to explain without making me look like a thug or someone with anger issues. I don't have anger issues. Never have, never will.

"Y/n! What happened to you?!" Nagisa shouted as I entered the classroom.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," I shrugged her off, I felt Zen's gaze burning through me as I took my seat.

"Are you sure? You look like you were beaten up," Nagisa stared at me as she sat down as well.

"It's nothing."

You should've seen the other guys. They looked a crap ton worse than me.

Tamaki's PoV

Two hours previously_

"Hey!" Zen, Chika and Nanan all shouted as the twins kicked them into the club room. I turned around, a rose in my hand and a smile on my face.

"Welcome to my palace, kings of music," I greeted them before putting the rose down.

"Why're we here?" Nanan asked, "you try'na fight?"

"Nothing of the sort," Kyoya replied, not sparing a glance from his computer.

"Then why are we here?" Zen asked.

"As members of Ouran's Host Club, and as respective citizens of the upper class," I started, throwing my arms out dramatically, "it is our jobs to ensure the happiness of all our guests."


"And our fellow club members," I added on, "you can probably guess what that means. Yes. That is right, gentlemen! We are going to put Plan: get y/n to play music again, in action!"

"What?!" everyone in the room stared at me in confusion.

"He literally flipped me onto the coffee table if you don't remember correctly," Nanan said, "and that was because we were talking about Rein. Music for y/n revolves around Rein, making him sing or play will be impossible."

"Not at all," Kyoya said, pushing his glasses up and looking at them with a smug smirk, "he was singing just last night."

"No way! Really?" all three of them shouted.

"Then we'll do it!" Nanan shouted.

"We have to!" Zen grinned.

"It's going to be hard so what are you planning?" Chika asked, "it has to be really big or something, something he can't escape."

"I have the perfect idea," I smiled before turning to the white board that wasn't there before but was waiting behind me, "let me take you to Plan: get y/n to play music again or Plan: Leo."

Your PoV

Lunch time_

"No one was in the club room," I muttered as I laid down on the bench in the rose maze, "no one seems to be around either. It's like a horror movie, next thing I know some mass murderer will appear out of no where and chase me so far into the maze that I get lost and then I get cornered and then-- oh jeez-- I'm thinking way too far into this."

Maybe I'll go to old man Tenchi's place. I really can't be bothered with this afternoons classes.

"Yeah, I'll do that," I nodded to myself and grabbed my bag before walking out of the maze and heading towards the exit of the school, "Tetsuki will have japanese homework and maths tonight.

Suddenly, a pair of arms captured mine and started dragging me away.

The twins... what're they planning?

I'm not even going to fight. There's no point anymore. They're persistent and will continue going after me no matter what I do. So might as well just let them do as they must.

Eventually they stopped dragging me and I turned around to see a large stage in the middle of the courtyard and all the students were stood in the area in front of it.

"What's going on here?" I asked, "some kind of live performance?"

"Something like that," the twins whistled and looked to the side 'innocently'. 

"Well, I'll be going home then," I turned and began walking away when suddenly the sound of drums filled the air, it was followed by the bass and then the keyboard, "that sound..."

Looking over my shoulder, I see Zen, Chika and Nanan all on the stage, playing the music.

I stared for a while before shaking my head and continuing to walk away from the area.

"We are Zodiac! We are a five member group, as you can see we have two people missing," Zen's voice echoed around the area, "unfortunately, one of those people can't ever return, however, the other one we're trying to get back!"

"We're going to play some of our songs," Chika added on, his voice wasn't very enthusiastic as usual, "sorry about the lack of vocals but please enjoy!"

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