Special: In Another Time 6/6

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A week later_
Ouran Private High School_
The Host Club_

??? PoV

"What's that you've got there, Haru-chan?" I heard Honey senpai ask our somewhat newest member to the club as she walked in with a piece of paper in her hands.

"It's a flyer," Haruhi replied, "apparently a band is playing at our school this afternoon."

"Oh?" I walked over and looked at it in curiosity, "Zodiac? What kind of a name is that?"

Haruhi shrugged.

"These guys are pretty popular with the kids in my neighbourhood," she told us, "I've listened to some of their songs. They're... ok."

"So it's commoner music?" Kyoya asked, walking over with his black book out and pushing his glasses up his nose, "now I'm curious. Why are they playing here?"

"Oh.. Now I remember," I clicked my fingers in realisation, "they're playing out of a favour my dad put in with their manager. Something about expanding students viewpoints, or something? I wasn't listening, instead wondering what kind of costumes our sweet Haruhi should wear next~"

"Please, senpai, not now," Haruhi sighed and I quickly stopped, "but are you sure you want to listen to them, Kyoya senpai? Their music style is far from the music you guys like to listen to in here."

"Sure. Why not?" Kyoya shrugged, "it'll be an interesting... Lesson."

"Well, they're Haruhi's favourite band so we should go listen anyway!" I exclaimed.

"Senpai... I didn't say that," Haruhi said but I just ignored it.

"Let us go and see this band and listen to their music!" I exclaimed, "forward march, soldiers! We've got a lot of ground to cover!"

"Aye, aye, captain!" Honey senpai and the twins both mock saluted me and we began marching away.

"Idiots, that's something you say to a sailor," Kyoya told us as we began walking through the school and towards where the band was labelled to have been set up, "you say, sir yes sir, for soldie-- hey."

Kyoya was bumped causing us all to pause and look to the person who bumped into him.

"Oh. Sorry about that," it was a h/c haired, really tall boy with a guitar case over his shoulder, "I wasn't watching where I was going."

"Well start watching where you're going," Kyoya fired back.

"No need to be rude," the h/c haired boy glared down at Kyoya, "I apologised to you, four eyes, so just take it and walk on. Asshole."

The guy walked away and joined a group at the end of the hallway who were being escorted by--

"Hold on! That's my father!" I exclaimed, "He's escorting them personally?!"

"So far," Kyoya spoke up, scribbling in his book, "I'm not impressed by this Zodiac band."

Haruhi sighed at his words before pushing us down the hall.

"Can we just go now?" she asked, clearly annoyed.

"Are you annoyed, Haruhi?" I asked her.

"Annoyed?" Haruhi repeated, "now what would make you think that?"

Oh... You know... Many things. Many things.

Your PoV

"What an ass," I rolled my eyes as I walked away from the bespectacled asshole further down the hall.

"What happened to you?" Zen asked teasingly, "you look like you're ready to burn this place to the ground."

"With the greatest music to grace this depressing building," I declared, "also that guy down there, the one with the glasses, total asshole."

"Perhaps it was a misunderstanding," Rein awkwardly smiled, "come on, giant tree, stop cursing the guy."

"Cursing?" I repeated, smirking slightly at the thought, "should I curse him?"

"No!" Rein pulled me down and began messing up my hair.

"Oi! Stop! Do you know how long it took me to get it to sit like this?" I exclaimed, "Stop it."

"Come on, you two, stop messing around," Cloudia called out to us, "you need to get ready, you're going on the stage soon."

"I have a feeling that as soon as we step on that stage, the usual cheering we get is going to be coming from the crickets," I sighed.

"Well, just as usual, we just have to blow them away and earn those cheers," Rein grinned, hugging me slightly, "not too hard for us."

"Never too hard for us," Zen joined in on the hug.

"Hey! Don't leave us out!" Nanan exclaimed dragging Chika behind him and into the hug.

"Is this necessary?" Chika asked as he was forced into the middle of the hug somehow, "it's very uncomfortable."

"Consider it a preshow ritual that will bring us great glory!" Rein grinned, "because we all deserve a little love, no?"

"Alright. Let's go kick these rich bastards in their classical asses," Zen broke the hug and lead us to our designated changing room.

"Rock their socks off!" Nanan exclaimed.

We all just watched him for a moment before laughing.

"Yeah," Rein managed to get out between chuckles.

"Let's rock their socks off," we all repeated Nanan's statement and then started to get ready.

God. I just wanted a holiday.

Ten minutes later_

"Alright, guys," Cloudia escorted us to backstage, "go show them what Zodiac is made of."

"Good looks and mad awesome skills?" Rein asked, smile on his face.

"Exactly," Cloudia gave us a thumbs up before gesturing for us to walk onto the stage.

Rein looked to us and smiled.

"Let's do this," he muttered before turning and walking out onto the stage, leading us out onto the brightly lit area.

Just as it was supposed to be.

Rein as the leader.

After the show_

3rd Person PoV

"So, what did you guys think?" Haruhi asked before turning to see the guys in her club recreating one of the songs the band had played earlier in the afternoon.

She let out a slight laugh.

"I guess they enjoyed the commoner music then didn't they?" she smiled as she watched them, "it's like the instant coffee all over again. They're so strange. Rich people suck."

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