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After that, we went in and talked. I got stuck catching up with Reijin and then he dragged me into the dojo where I was forced to train but I couldn't do it for very long because I felt the stupid health flag waving around in my head telling me to stop.

No one but me, my family and Katsuro, obviously Dr Dr too, know about my health and I'd like to keep it that way if I can.

After that, we sat down and tried to explain to Satoshi in nine year old language that Kaede was pregnant but the baby is mine and not his father's which made them technically half siblings instead. At first Reijin had described it as egg donation but that just went right over the boys head, wouldn't blame him if I were him to be honest. Not a term a nine year old would know.

We gave up after a while.

I stayed there for the weekend and then headed home, I told Reijin that I'd have their stuff sent over at some point by movers and Kaede had given me the key to the house. Takano didn't want to let me go and started crying when I tried to leave so I ended up taking him out for ice cream first and of course because Takano was going, Satoshi had to come to when then escalated to a giant family outing, plus me, the person buying all the sugar they were devouring. Not that I minded, it's nice to have things to spend the money on rather than just have it lying around and building up.

Being rich sucks.

I wish I was a normal person like Haruhi was not so long ago. Not anymore thanks to Tamaki but you know...

"Sir, you've been yawning a lot today," Katsuro commented as he walked into my office mid my a hundredth or so yawn for the morning, "did you not sleep well?"

"I got back here literally just before work started," I replied, "so no. I didn't sleep at all. I was too busy driving."

"Oh I see," he nodded before I noticed him glance to the black sofa under one of the windows off to the side.

"I am not taking a nap," I quickly shut down his idea.

"Wasn't even going to suggest it, sir," he laughed awkwardly.

"Good," I nodded before I brushed my hair back and stretched, "did we get word from Roulette?"

"Roulette said that they will accept the collaboration," Katsuro replied, "but they said the song has to be written by you and Mr Kotaro."

Me and Chika, huh?

"That might be a little difficult but tell them I'll work on it," I nodded, "is that all?"

"Dr Dr called to remind you of your appointment later this afternoon," he informed me, I groaned and melted in my seat.

"That crazy doctor..." I sighed, "no. I don't want to, thus I will not."

"Sir..." I looked to Katsuro who looked ready to knock me out and drag me there himself.

"Right," I put my hands up in mock surrender, "fine. I'll go."


"Fantastic. I'll inform him you'll be there by 5pm," he told me, "that's all, sir, excuse me."

"Yes. Thank you," I forced myself to thank him as he bowed and left, "he's a demon. Why can't I have a normal assistant?"


As the months passed, I was in and out of the city driving to and from the Scorpio base so I can go to Kaede's doctors appointments.

Three months in and we found out the baby was a boy and that he was healthy as he could be.

I'd moved over of my apartment at the fifth month and moved to one with more than one bedroom in and set up a small nursery in, Reijin helped out thank god because I had no idea what I needed.

It was also during that time that Reijin had suddenly announced that this makes me his brother and then created some really overly complicated explanation which was really really unnecessary.

Now, it's the eight month. Her due date is in a few weeks time and I can't help but be excited.

"That will be ¥2,713.75 (£20/$25.26), sir," the cashier told me, I nodded and pulled out the money and paid for the food I'd bought because Chika is coming over for a meeting today about the song we're both writing for the Roulette collaboration with the company. It's taking longer because I'm being forced to pace myself which is getting on my nerves.

I'm about this close to firing Katsuro, though that would be stupid because he's one hell of a worker, that's probably the only thing keeping me from firing him to be honest. Still hot headed even at 20 years old.

"Riko!" someone shouted loudly, I looked in the direction to see a little girl in the middle of the road, frozen to the spot as a car came barrelling down towards her.

Upon closer inspection, the driver wasn't even looking at the road.

"Damn it," I hissed before throwing my bag on the floor and running out onto the road.

I pushed the girl out of the way and then everything seemed to go a bit weird.

I'm fairly sure I was hit by the car but it's weird.

I'm just lying on the road.

I feel no pain and I can't hear a thing. Only some irritating ringing.

My eyes started forcing themselves shut. Now I know I'm not tired because I got a good three hours of sleep so why...

Well this is awkward.

Hit by a car right before my son is born.

Congrats, y/n, you saved a girl but knocked yourself down in the process.

"Pl...ea...se...st...awake!" someone's voice shouted.

Yeah, no. I'm tired. I'll just take a nap. I won't die, I'm too stubborn for that, but a nap sounds goddamn perfect right about now, better than not being able to move.

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