Preference 34.1: Almost/Have been raped...

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Warning(s): Mention/Action of Rape

Luke: You haven't been sleeping much lately and Luke had noticed which worried him. He didn't ask you what was wrong because he knew how stubborn you could be about certain things.

So here he was laying with his arms around you as you scrolled through Tumblr or Twitter on your phone. "C'mon, babe. We need to sleep," he mumbled, taking your phone and placing it on the nightstand.

"I know," you mumbled, stifling a yawn as you closed your eyes. You hated when it was time to go to sleep because lately you've been having nightmares of your past again and it really scared you.

"Night, Y/N," Luke said, placing a kiss on your neck.

"Night, Lukey," you whispered, sleep washing over you quickly.

It was a few hours later when Luke woke up to you crying in your sleep. He tried to wake you up but you started to kick and scream. "I'm sorry! Please stop! I'll be good! I promise!" you yelled in your sleep.

"Y/N! Wake up!" he yelled, clearly worried as to what was going on.

"No more! Stop!"

Before he could yell again, your eyes shot open as fresh tears started to all when you saw Luke staring at you worriedly. He pulled you into a tight hug and rubbed your back as you cried. "Why didn't you tell me you were having nightmares?" he asked as you sobs quieted down.

"Because you would've asked what they were about," you muttered softly.

"Because I want to know why you haven't slept much. I've been really worried about you," he said, kissing her forehead. "Will you please tell me?"

You mumbled something into his chest that he didn't catch.


You gulped and took a shaky breath. "When I was older brother..." you trailed off as tears started to fall again. You had to tell Luke because he deserved to know what happened to cause you to have nightmares about that day. "H-He raped me," you finally choked out, closing your eyes tight.

Luke pulled you into his lap and hugged you tighter, rocking you slightly while rubbing your back. He wondered why you never talked about your brother as well as why you would always change the subject when he was mentioned. He was going to have to ask your parents about it but right now he was more worried about you so he'd have to wait until later.

Ashton: It was a little passed eleven at night and you were lying in bed sleeping. You and Ashton had gotten into an argument a few hours before so you made him sleep on the couch.

You rolled over and shivered when you felt a cold breeze. She slowly opened her eyes to see the window near the dresser was open and you were sure you closed it before you got in bed. Despite the thought, you still got up out of bed and went over to it, closing it then made your way back to the bed.

Just as you laid down and closed your eyes, you were pinned to the bed and your mouth was covered by a gloved hand. You instantly knew it wasn't Ashton and your eyes shot open, widening at the unfamiliar figure in front of you, fear washing over you as he grinned.

"Now be a good girl and keep quiet~," he said, leaning down to kiss your neck.

You could feel the tears start to form as he took the hand that was covering your mouth and placed it over your covered chest, squeezing your right breast roughly which caused you to wince. You were so scared at this point that tears were now streaming down your face as you tried to get him off you.

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