Preference 72. Holding hands...

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Luke: He would be shy about it at first, reaching out to take it but pulling his hand away before he could get up the courage. But when you guys were crowded around by some fans, you almost getting separated from him until you felt a hand quickly reach out a grip yours tightly, bushing softly as you felt Luke tug you closer to him. You smiled and gripped his hand back as he slowly smiled before gently pushing his way through the crowd of fans, never letting go of your hand.

Ashton: You were always pulling him along by his wrist, excited whenever he asked to come shopping with you even if he didn't like it that much. He just wanted to spend time with you and enjoyed the smile on your face when you looked through some shirts, humming softly. You turned around, expecting to be met by Ashton but was met by your ex, eyes widening before you felt Ashton grab your hand and pull you close before lightly dragging you out of the store, his hand still in your throughout the whole shopping trip.

Calum: You were having a bad at school, some of your friends decided to turn against you all because you didn't invite them to meet the boys. You sighed softly as you reached your locker, squealing and dropping your bag as Calum grabbed your hand and spun you around before dipping you, chuckling as you laughed. He pulled you back up and gripped your hand as he picked up your bag, kissing your knuckles before letting go so you could get your things out of your locker for the weekend before replacing his hand in yours again.

Michael: You smiled as you watched Michael and the boys jump around on stage like idiots, laughing softly but singing along with them as they continued. Michael looked back at you as they finished one of the songs, motioning Luke and Calum over as he jogged over to Ashton. He whispered something to you before jogging over to you, holding his hand out to you as he smiled. You blushed and took it, squeaking when he pulled you out to the center of the stage, holding your hand tightly as them and the fans sang you 'Happy Birthday'.

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