She's Not Afraid

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Yo! I was literally weiting this before we strted our English exam today and I thought I should share it with you guys! Its my first Calum Hood Imagine!

Prompt: she's the most feared and respected of the school and the boys all know that, so they aren't surprised when she acts tough in front of others but like a child in front of them. No body says a word about it though. That's why he fell for her, because she is brave and not scared of anything.

Well, I hope you guys enjoy this! Today was my last day of school before I became a Senior!!! Boo-yeah!


I sighed as I closed my locker. "Hey, Anna!"

I turned around and blinked as I stared at my best friend, Calum, and my brother, Ashton. Yes, you heard right; I'm Ashton Irwins younger sister and best friends with Calum Hood. I'm also friends with Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings but I'm closer to Calum since we were in the same Elementary class since second grade.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Wanna come to band practice with us?" Ashton asked, grinning.

I pouted at him before nodding. "I guess I could. I mean, I have nothing better to do then to watch my big brother sweat and bang drums for an hour or so," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Don't be mean~," he whined. "Calum! Savannah's being mean~."

Calum laughed as Ashton hugged him and pretended to cry on his shoulder.

"Cal! Ashton's being a big baby!" I complained, pouting.

He laughed more and shook his head. "You two are so childish!"

"We know!" Ashton and I chorused, grinning.

We quickly made our way to the other boys, who were waiting for us in front of the school.

"So that's where Calum went?" Luke teased, smirking. "You went to go get little Savannah with Ashton~. Isn't that cute?"

"Who you calling little?! I'm the same age as you and Cal!" I huffed, pouting.

Michael chuckled and slung an arm around Calums' shoulders.

Ashton shook his head and wrapped his arm around my shoulders as a group of boys from our school walked over to me. I rolled my eyes at his protectiveness but smiled softly.

"You Samantha, right?" One of them asked.

"Savannah," I growled.

"Right. Sorry. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?"

I knew the boys were glaring at him and to be honest, I wanted to as well because his friends were smirking. It's either a bet or a dare. I thought to myself as I ruffled my own hair a bit. "It's Jordan, right?"

He seemed to be fighting the urge to glare and I grinned to myself. "James," he seethed.

"Right. Sorry," I mocked, rolling my eyes. "I was wondering what you take me for?"

"What do yo----"

"I mean," I started as Luke took my bag from me. "I'm not an idiot. Is this a bet or a dare because I would never wanna go out with a jackass loser like you assholes who think every girl is a dimwitted slut." I watched as their jaws dropped and I smirked as I put my hands on my hips. "What? You thought I was going to smile and say yes like other girls?"

I felt Ashton shake his head. "I'm guessing you haven't heard the rumors of my sister then?" The boys shook their heads. "Figures. All the blocks that are brave enough to face her haven't heard the rumors of her."

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