Their Little Fox

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 Hey guys. This might be the last thing I write for an imagine for a while because one, I don't have much time with school going on right now and two, I'm slightly getting this thing called writers block or I just don't feel like writing any right now. I'm gonna do some requests but since I have so much school the only thing I can really do is preferences at the moment because I write those in classes. I apologize to all of you that have been waiting or one but I have to concentrate on school right now since it's my last year and it's really hard for me this year.

Summary: She was new to the outside world since she was always locked up in a cage all the time. So of course she would be scared when she escapes and ends up in an alley hiding from the sounds of the world. It's not till she is found and taken home by a group of four that her life changes.

So here's the imagine~. It's gonna be with all the boys and one girl so I hope ya don't mind. Enjoy~!


It was November in Australia which meant the floor was covered in snow. She looked around at all the trees as she slowly made her way through the woods with her red tail between her legs and her ears pressed against her head, sniffing the air every so often.

You see this wasn't an ordinary girl that you would see every day, walking around with a cellphone to their ear or in their hands. No this girl was much more than any ordinary girl. The reason being was because she was a hybrid, a fox hybrid to be more specific. She was born one actually from to non-hybrid parents. They didn't think anything of it but it still made them dislike her. They still put up with her until she was three years old when a scientist came by and took her from them. They didn't seem to mind at all so she went with the scientist. She didn't know at the time that she would never see the light of day ever again and that she would be living a painful life.

Though that was fourteen years ago. Now she's seventeen and walking in the woods late at night because she had escaped from the scientist. He had left the cage unlocked after he feed her so she easily escaped and here she was.

She jumped when she heard a honk and spun around, her ears perked up and listening to the new sounds around her. She was in an alley, that much she knew since the scientists always talked about taking her to one and just leaving her there, but she didn't know what that sound was. It scared her even more when she heard yelling.

She crouched down beside the large trash bin and held her head. She was terrified, cold, and she didn't know what to do. She let out a sneeze causing her ears to press against her head and her tail to wrap around her waist. She wasn't use to the cold and she kind of wished she was back in the cage where it was warm but she's glad she's free.

She shivered and peeked out from where she was hidden and saw people walking around. She saw that they were just like the scientist and it scared her because she thought they were all like the scientist. She sneezed again and coughed as her eyes slowly started to close. She hadn't been able to sleep in so long that it was catching up on her. But she didn't know that it was really her lack of clothing covering her in the middle of winter.

*Michael's POV*

I laughed as Luke jumped on Ashtons' back and shook my head. We were just getting back from the studio and the boys were just messing around like always. I smiled and just as we passed the alley next to our hotel I saw a flash of red and stopped. I looked in the alley and was surprised to see a girl around Luke's age lying face down in the snow. "Lads!" I yelled, running over to her and kneeling down beside her.

"What the hell?" I heard Calum say, kneeling beside me.

"What is she doing out...."

Whatever Luke was saying was cut short as we all stared at the girl. She had tangled bright red hair that was even brighter than mine and there was something sticking out from the mess of tangles. I moved her hair out of the way and my eyes widened at the sight in front of me; there were two fully red ears hidden in the tangled mess that had white tips. I noticed that something had moved under her shirt so I slowly lifted it up to find a red tail with a white tip wrapped around her waist. "What...What is she?' I mumbled, staring at her with wide eyes.

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