Things I'll Never Say

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Yo! This is another Avril Lavigne song! I love her so much! I also love this song so it gave me an idea for an Imagine!

Prompt: She was so shy that she could never really say what was on her mind. The oly time she ever said what was on her mind was when she was singing. Her friends decided to help her, especially when she has a huge crush on the popular boy.

Sorry if the summary isn't that good. I hope y'all like it though! This is a Michael Clifford Imagine by the way!


She was the shy girl of the school that everyone made fun of and bullied. They knew she would never have the guts to tell anyone what happened so they did it for their own amusement. She would just take it then go home to hide up in her room with her laptop and a pair of headphones. She thought music was her escape from the real world. Even her parents knew that when she had her headphones in, she wasn't going to be coming out of it for a while.

This is where our story starts; She was curled up in the back of the library during lunch. No one ever went back there so she just made it like her own personal place. It was a place for her t listen to her music and not get made fun of for being quiet. She would hang out with her friends if it didn't cause them to get made fun of too but she didn't want to risk them getting bullied even if they kept saying it was fine.

She was laying on the bean bag that was back there, with her headphones on her head, and her eyes closed as she daydreamed about what she wished she could do. She always wanted to be someone other than herself, especially whenever she saw him around school with his band mates. She has had a crush on him since she moved Sydney, Australia, but she knew she would never get him to notice her because he's the popular one of the school.

She saw a shadow go across her closed eyes but she just ignored it, figuring it was just the librarian restocking the shelves. She usually was the only other one that went back there so she was use to it by now.

She heard a mumble from above her over the loud music that was blaring in her ears. She just ignored it and snuggled more into the bean bag.

She jumped slightly when she felt a hand on her shoulder and she opened her eyes to see everything in a blurry mess. She blinked a few times and felt around for her glasses with one hand as she turned off her music with the other. After a while of feeling around, she sighed in fustration and looked up at what looked like a person. "Not to be rude or anything, but I'm having trouble finding my glasses and I swaer if you are just going to stand there while I act like an---"

She was cut off by something being put on her face and she closed her eyes for a minute, feeling the familar plastic of her glasses. She opened her eyes slowly and was face to face with green eyes and green hair. She blushed when she realised who it was and instantly went mute.

"Sorry. I saw them near your feet and took them before they got smashed up. Sorry if I scared you," he said, smiling slightly.

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"I'm gonna take a guess and say that you're the girl that I hear everyone talking bad about, right?" She nodded and blushed when he chuckled and took the bean bag beside her. "I hope you don't mind if I join you?" She shook her head and moved the headphones to rest around her neck. "You really don't talk much do you?" he asked, smiling.

She shook her head and sighed. "Not really," she mumbled, staring at her lap.

"She speaks!" he teased, chuckling.

She stared at him and blinked. "Why aren't you making fun of me?"

He stopped chuckling and stared at her, frowning. "Why would I do that? I'm not like those idiots that think bullying someone is fun," he said, looking up at the ceiling. "Plus, I'd like to get to know you. I've seen you sitting in this spot every day for the whole year."

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