Preference 67.2: Best friends but one boy knows you like him (Part 2)...

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Luke: You snuggled into the couch ready to fall asleep when Luke walked into the room laughing and smiling. You shot right up and threw the couch pillow at him, thinking it was a robber. ", welcome back," you said, smiling sheepishly.

He laughed and caught the pillow before it hut his face, smiling. "You have a pillow as a weapon?" he asked, chuckling softly.

You huffed and stood up, walking over to him to take the pillow back. "Well I'm sorry I was waiting up for you," you said, going to snatch the pillow back only for him to hold it over your head. "Luke!"

He laughed and continued to hold it over your head, watching you stand on your toes to try to get it.

You huffed and crossed your arms over you chest, pouting up at him. "Luke Hemmings! Give me the dang pillow!"

"Shush, y/n! Everyone's asleep!" he whisper-yelled, laughing softly.

That's when you smelt it, he had the smell of beer on his breath. "You got stood up again, didn't you?" you asked, looking at him.

He sighed and nodded. "Yeah. It's the fifth one this week," he mumbked, looking down.

You stared at him and sighed, wrapping your arms around his waist in a tight hug. "You need someone who loves you for you, Luke, not for the hot, energetic, lead singer you are. If they don't love you for yourself, they aren't worth anything," you said, trying to keep the sadness from showing in your voice.

It was silent for awhile before you slowly stepped back, smiling up at him. "I should get some rest, you should too. You and the boys have a con--"

Before you could finish your sentence, he had pressed his lips against yours softly, surprising you. Your eyes widened and your cheeks started to warm up as you kissed back, slowly closing your eyes as he cupped your cheeks softly.

He slowly pulled away and looked you in the eyes, a small blush on his face. "Ashton told me last night before the date, and just so you know, I feel the same about you," he whispered, smiling at you as you smiled back.

Ashton: You yawned as you walked into the kitchen part of the tour bus, sitting next to Calum and across from Ashton.

"Sleeping beauty is finally up," Ashton said, laughing.

You sighed and leaned against Calum, humming when he kissed your forehead.

Ashton raised an eyebrow and looked at you both. "You two dating?" he asked, taking a bite of his toast.

You shook your head and stole his other piece of toast. "Calum is just my friend, besides, I'd rather date someone else," you said, biting into the toast.

"Ooooh. Gossip time!" Luke said, leaning over to table slightly. "Who do you want to date?"

You looked at him before glancing at Ashton then calum, finishing off the toast. "Doesn't matter. He's dating a whore as well as my friend. So what's the point?" you said, standing up as you watched Luke and Michael look at Ashton, who's eyes were wide.

"Wait. You were the one to set us up, now you're calling her a whore?"

"I didn't set you up with her! I introduced her to you, you were the one who took it as a sign that I was setting you up!" you yelled, glaring at him.

"Well I'm so sorry that you didn't tell me your feels before so I could of asked you out!"

You stared at him before walking out of the tour bus, Ashton in tow. "Y/n! Come on! Let me talk!"

You turned around and went to slap him, only to have him catch your wrist and pull you close, kissing you a bit hard. Your eyes widening before they slowly closed, leaning into the kiss as your lips moved in sync.

He let go of your wrist and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him, pulling away from your lips a bit. "I was never dating her. Like you said, she's a whore. I'd rather date you, y/n, not her. She's not like you," he whispered against your lips before going back to kissing you, lightly leaning you against the tour bus, ignoring the boys as they looked out the window at you guys, grinning.

Calum: Michael led you back into the bar and back to the booth, letting her get in first. "You okay, y/n?" Luke asked, looking across the table at you.

You nodded and smiled at him. "I'm fine, Luke," you assured him, giggling.

Ashton wrapped his arm around you and smiled. "Happy birthday again, y/n," he said, kissing your forehead.

"Thank you again, boys. This means a lot. You guys probably had plans tonight yet you spent it with me," you said, smiling at them.

"Hey, we'd cancel anything to spend time with you for your birthday!" Michael said, giggling.

You smiled wider and nodded before you felt Calum tug on your wrist. "What?"

"Come with me. Your favorite is on, and I know how much you love dancing and singing to it," he said, smiling at you, the slut behind him glaring at you.

You blushed and waited for Micheal to slide out before you stood up, Calum holding your hand as he led you to the dance floor. You blushed more as he pulled you close, holding your waist softly as you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck y/f/s/s (your favorite slow song) playing.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Shouldn't you be doing the woman in the bathroom by now?"

He stared at you before sighing. "I wouldn't do that to you on your birthday, y/n," he said, looking down at you.

"Yet you'd make up with her at the booth?" you asked, staring at him.

"That's...that's before I made you cry, trying to forget about my feelings for you, I didn't know you felt the same until I made you cry."

"How do you know I heard what I said to Michael...didn't you?"

He nodded and looked down. "I'm sorry, y/n. I didn't mean to make you cr--"

You cupped the back of his neck and pulled him down, kissing his lips softly, shutting him up as he slowly kisses back pulling you closer. You two didn't need words, you just continued to dance to the song, lips connected in a gentle kisses.

Michael: Your arm was linked with Luke's as you smiled at all the celebrities walking passed you. It was Michael's birthday, the reason for the dress, and Luke had offered to be your escort to it so you wouldn't be walking in alone.

Michael smiled and ran over to you, picking you up in a hug and spinning you, making you giggle. "Y/n!" he yelled, kissing your cheek over and over again.

You laughed and hugged him around his neck, blushing softly. "Happy birthday, Mikey!"

He put you down and smiled wide. "You look amazing! I've never seen you in a dress before!"

You blushed even more and looked down at your dress. "Does it look good?" you asked, shyly.

"Good? It looks perfect on you, luv," he said, raising your head by your chin and pecking your lips.

Your eyes widen and you blushed brightly, shocked at his actions. "W-what....?"

He smiled and giggled, leading you through the crowd to his couch, sitting down and pulling you down into his lap, making you blush even more. "Your blush is really cute," he said, kissing your lips.

You stuttered as he continued to kiss your lips every few seconds before gently cupping your cheeks and holding you in a kiss. You slowly closed your eyes and kisses back, unconsciously moving to straddle his lap as he deepened the kiss.

You slowly pulled away, panting softly as he smiled. "Why did you kiss me? I...I thought I was just your best friend," you said, chewing on your bottom lip.

"I kissed you because I love you, y/n. I thought you would of known that by now. I've been in love with you for years, just was too scared to tell you."

You teared up and hugged him tightly, hearing him chuckle and hug back just as tight, rubbing your back as he did so. The rest of the night, you two sat there and talked, kissing each other ever so often. When it was time for cake and he had to blow out the candles, he kept you in his lap, blowing out the candles and smiling at you.

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