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Yo! So, I thought I would do another Calum Imagine since I only have one of him. I think I write too many Michael and Ashton! XD Well, the Michael Imagines are for me while the Ashton Imagines are for my friend so, yeah.

Anyway, if you know the Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne than you know that the language in it is bad, right? Well, for those of you who don't know that there are curse words in this song, please read at your own risk! I know you won't listen but at least you can't say I didn't warn you!

Prompt: He was the punk boy of the school, she was the punk girl of the school, they were meant to be together...The problem? Her angel of a twin sister is dating him. So, she brings out the big guns.

I know that in the music video they aren't technically punk but hey...when I have an idea I go with it.


She chewed her gum as she watched him from her usual spot under a tree with her friends. She watched has she got up from her table full of geeks and gave him a big hug. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. A geek dating a punk was unheard of; even worse if the geek is your goody-two-shoes twin sister. She was always praised by their parents but never was she because she was the punk of the family, well her mother praised her a lot.

Confused? I bet. Well, the punk under the tree is Savannah Lavigne and the geek is Samantha Lavigne. Yup, you heard right, the are related to Avril Lavigne. Well, some wonder if Samantha was adopted because she is nothing like her mother, only Savannah is. Though they know not to say anything abou the punk girl because she was the girl that ruled the school. She followed in her mothers footsteps also, meaning she was a singer and she covered some of her moms songs. She was working on one right now and her two main stars were about to head to the fun zone.

You see she isn't the only punk of the school; Calum Hood is also the punk of the school, as well as the boy that ruled the school. Everyone thought he would go for Savannah but somehow the angel decided to take it upon herself and take the punk for herself.

Savannah stood up and put her hands on her hips, blowing a bubble. It popped and she started chewing on it again. "That little angel is so going to see who rules in this school," Savannah said to her girls. They all smirked and watched as her twin waved goodbye to her friends, walking off with Calum hand in hand. "C'mon. I need to get there before they get there. This is going to be my best cover of mims songs."

"But all the songs you sing are the best!"

"Jessica! I don't need them to embarrass my sister, do I?"

"I guess not."

Savannah sighed and they took a short cut to the Fun Zone.

[Five Minutes Later]

Savannah was leaning against a table near the entrance as Jessica started the camera. As if on cue, Calum and Samantha walked in. Samantha looked at her and her face was went from sweet to disgust. Savannah smirked and crossed her srms over her chest. They walked away and she walked up behind them kicking Calum in the ass, causing music to start. Calum turned around and looked at her.

"Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don't like your girlfriend!"

Samantha gaped.

"No way! No way!
I think you need a new one"

Savannah put her hands on her hips.

"Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your girlfriend"

Savannah pulled him closer by his shirt and smirked.

"Hey! Hey! You! You!
I know that you like me

5 Seconds of Summer Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now