BSM 2. Babysitting...

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The first one and this one were already typed up 4 years ago. I'm just now proof reading them and posting them. I hope that everyone likes them. 


Luke: 3 Years Old

Luke smiled as he watched you play in the corner of the living room, your tiny hands gripping the stuffed animal and making it dance. Liz had to go to work and couldn't find a sitter who could watch her last minute, having to ask him to watch you for a couple hours. He happily agreed right away because he's been wanting to spend more time with you, having just gotten back from touring. He was allowed to invite the boys over as long as you were being watched at all times, you being at the age where you wander off quite a bit.

"Luke! Wanna play?" Calum asked, holding out the game controller towards him.

You looked up at the mention of your brother's name while tilting your head, sucking gently on your binkie and smiling. "Wukey," you said, pushing yourself on your feet and waddling over to him slowly.

Luke smiled as he leaned forward to pick you up gently, placing you in his lap and rested his chin on top of your head, giving Calum a proud grin. "I'm good for now," he said, chuckling as you leaned up and kissed his chin gently.

"She's got you wrapped around her finger, Lukey~," Michael teased, grinning while he pulled his phone out and took a picture of you two.

"We all are. We finally have a baby girl in the family and she's just so adorable," Luke countered with a huff, pulling you closer to him and grinning proudly when you giggled.

"I think it's cute. She's got three big brothers to look out for her," Ashton said, picking up the stuffed animal you had dropped and placing it in your hands. "I remember how I felt when Lauren was born."

"So, I told my mum I'll babysit Shelly anytime she wants," your brother declared, covering your cheeks with multiple kisses and smiling at your laugh. "She's just so adorable!"

"Wukey!" you squealed happily, clapping your hands slowly. Suddenly, your stomach growled and a soft blush started to make its way to your cheeks, a pout beginning to form on lips.

"Time for lunch," Luke said happily, picking you up and placing you on his hip before heading to the kitchen.

Ashton: 6 Years Old

You gripped your mom's shirt as you looked around at the living room of your brother's place, sucking on your thumb gently before Ann pulled your hand away from your mouth. Pushing your bottom lip out to pout, you let out a soft whine before your eyes set on the stairs and widened when you saw Ashton coming down them. "Ashy!" you called, letting go of Ann's shirt and running towards him.

Ashton smiled softly while he knelt down to your level, wrapping his arms around you gently while he picked you up and gave your cheek a soft peck. "Someone's excited to hang out with their big brother," he teased, poking your nose gently.

"Thank you again, sweetie. I have to get Lauren to her appointment and Harry to practice," Ann listed, sighing gently before giving you a kiss on your forehead. "You better behave, little one. I'll get you a kid's meal on the way home."

"She always behaves. She's my princess~," he teased, gently poking your nose with a smile.

Your eyes widened before you quickly nodded and giggled happily, wrapping your arms around Ashton neck. "Pw-Pwincesss!" you cheered, grinning wide, your front tooth missing.

"Oh! It came out!" Ashton gasped, eyes wide in false astonishment as he set her on the floor and stayed knelt in front of her with a soft smile.

Ann stared at you two of you with a soft motherly smile on her lips, watching Ashton holding your hands while you stood on his feet and walked towards the catching. Letting out a sigh, she shook her head and left a few bucks for food on the side table before leaving.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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