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Yo! I got an idea while singing to this song like five minutes ago! Though it's kind of a triger story so if you guys are easily trigered please don't read. I don't want to start something.

Prompt: She needed to be saved from her life that everyone didn't understand but she didn't need to be rescued yet he still stays there and helps her through it.

Sorry if its not a great summary. I hope you like the Imagine! As much as I want to make this a Michael Imagine, this is going to be a Luke Imagine since I have more Michael on here than the others! XD Along with Ashton for my friend! Anyway, Luke Hemmings Imagine everyone!


The story you are about to read is a sad story but it has a happy ending. Have you ever heard of the famous Australian pop rock band 5 Seconds of Summer? What about Luke Hemmings; you know the cute dirty blond with the lip piercing? Yeah well this is the story of how he saved one of his friends from a terrible life.

Well, she really wasn't his friend, more like the one that seemed to be sinking deeper into the darkness He saw her around school all the time with a long sleeve shirt, especially in the summer, she always had too many bracelets on her wrists, she had a look in her eyes that he could never figure out, and he could see through her fake smile unlike her "friends" that just ignored her half the time.

He wanted to get to know her but whenever he got the chance he was crowded around by people asking him questions and by the time he answered their questions, she had disappeared out his site. He just wanted to get to know the girl who seemed to be faking everything she did but he never got the chance.


He jumped as he looked at his bandmates that were staring at him. "Yeah?"

"You're thinking about that girl again, aren't you?" Calum asked, raising an eyebrow.

Luke sighed and nodded, playing with the grass. They usually sat outside when the weatther was nice, which was almost everyday, but they mostly did it because the cafeteria was always crowded and they didn't want to be bothered.

"Why are you so interested in her?" Ashton asked, resting his chin on his girlsfriends shoulder, Courtney, who was sitting in between his legs.

"I don't know. I just wanna get to know her and figure out everything about her. She looks like somethings wrong but I can't tell what it is," Luke said, leaning his head against the tree he was sitting against.

"She's a nice girl," Courtney said for the first time since she arrived. They all looked at her and she raised an eyebrow. "What? She's in my English class. She is always in the back of the class. One time her and I were partnered up for a project, she offered to do all the research and we got a perfect grade on it! Ever since then, I sit with her to keep her company. I don't ask why she always wears those long sleeves though because I don't want to seem like I'm pushy."

"She's in my Science class," Michael said, grinning. "She actaully sits next to me. She doesn't talk much but every now and then she tells me that she hears us practicing in the music room and that we are really good. She's really sweet."

"Now that I think about it, she's in my History class; sits in front of me," Calum said, running a hand through his hair. "I never really noticed because she's really quiet and she always is the first out the door."

"I think she's in my Algebra class," Ashton mumbled, sighing. "But I can't remember. She's barely there and when she is, she always in the back. She even looks like she's falling asleep or something."

"She's in my music class," Luke said, sighing. "But she's almost never there and when she is I can never talk to her because I always get asked to stay after by the teacher."

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