Preference 74. How he asks you out...

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Luke: He would be really nerves at first, fidgeting as he waited for you to come over. He'd still fidget when you would arrive, causing you to giggle and put your hand on his knee to relax him, your smile calming him down as well as your touch. Them after a while, he'd get lost in your eyes as you'd talk, still listening to the words you'd say. Then he'd stop you by grabbing both your hands, making you blush as he slowly asked you out, a blush on his cheeks as you giggled and hugged him, nodding your head quickly. He'd smile and hug you tightly, kissing your cheek as you smiled.

Ashton: He'd keep prolonging asking you, scared that he'd ruin your friendship, and mostly because you'd always be with a boyfriend already and he only wants you happy. But when you'd come over to his house, soaked from the rain, tears following down your cheeks with rain drops, he'd know right away that you were hurt. He'd pull you in and hug you as soon as he closed the door, letting you cry into his shoulder and tell you what happened. Soon, you'd both be sitting on the couch, you asleep in his arms, or so he'd think, and he'd confess that he'd like you, your eyes shooting open and blushing. He'd freeze as you sat up, looking at him with a smile and sitting in his lap, cuddling into him as you whispered you liked him too, a wide smile on his lips as he hugged you close.

Calum: He'd be shy yet excited about it. He'd be shy because he's liked you for some time now and hadn't gotten up the nerve to ask you until he got a pep talk from the boys and he'd be excited because Michael may or may not have told him that you had talked to him for an hour about how much you like Calum. He'd be a bit nervous also, I mean, how could he not be nervous when he's asking his long time crush out as well as the fact that he thought you were the most gorgeous girl ever. He'd start by taking you out for a walk before he'd grab your hand and stop, taking a deep breath before asking you, blushing when you'd hug him and nod, a blush on your cheeks as well.

Michael: He'd be confident about it all the way up until he is about to ask you. You'd be staring at him confused as he suddenly started to stutter, raising an eyebrow at him. He'd scratch the back of his head and blush a bit as he looked down at his shoes. You'd watch him in amusement though, smiling a bit as you slowly figured out what he was trying to ask you, a giggle leaving your lips which made him look at you. You'd grab his hand, entwining your fingers with him but nodding for him to continue. He'd blush a bit more and softly ask you out, a smile on his lips as you said yes, gripping your hand softly.

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