Preference 20. What he does when he's mad...

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Luke: When he's mad he'll just sit around with his arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his lips. He is rarely mad but when he is you know exactly how to make him smile which is making him is favorite food and cuddling in bed as he tells you why he was mad.

Ashton: When he's mad he'll just be quiet. Like, seriously. He won't laugh at a joke or make a joke or anything at all. So when you guys are alone, you pinch his cheeks or turn his frown into a smile or whatever you can until he laughs and gives you a small smile. And of course he'll always tell you what's bugging him.

Calum: When he's mad he'll snap at everyone, even you. So when he snaps at you so many times you snap at him a couple times with a few tears being spilt because you hated snapping at him. But once he saw the tears he had his arms around you and is apologizing multiple times, telling you how much he loves you and that he didn't mean it and you of course know that.

Michael: When he's mad he'll always stay in the bedroom and not come out, not even for food. When he doesn't come out for food, you no that something's wrong and go up to check on him. When you see him under the covers in a curled up in a small ball you knew just what he needed. So you'd crawl under there with him and run your fingers through his hair until he wrapped his arms around you and told you what made him mad enough to cause him to not want to eat.


He's yet another preference. I'm updating a lot right now because I have a feeling that I won't be updating a lot until Thanksgiving or until I don't feel like shit from so much school.

Remember if any of y'all have any requests for preferences or an imagine I will gladly do it if you can be patient enough with me.

Ciao, lovelies!

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