Preference 5. You cry while watching a movie...

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This prefernce has spoils do if you haven't seen the following movies yet and don't want it to be spoiled; leave. I don't want to be the cause of all your anger if I ruined the movie for you.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2


Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)

Marley and Me


Luke: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

You and Luke were sitting in your shared bed up against the head board watching a movie. You were cuddled up against Luke's side, you head resting on his shoulder, with his arms around you and his head laying on your head. You both try to do a movie night at least once a week and this week was your turn to pick the movie so you picked a movie you have been dying to see; Harry Potter the last one of the series.

When it got to the part where everyone thought Harry was dead, your eyes weild up with tears because you didn't know that he was still alive, but Luke knew. He watched in amusement as you buried your face in his neck to try and keep from crying. He tried to tell you it was just a movie but you didn't listen. He just sighed and smiled slightly as you guys finished the movie, you complaining that they did that on purpose to get her to cry.

Ashton: Titanic

You stuffed a handful of popcorn in your mouth, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. You and Ashton decided to watch Titanic for a date night in so you cuddled up on the couch and started the movie. But after you got to where the ship sank and she was floating on a piece of board, your tears started to form. Even after seeing the movie so many times, the scene always made you cry.

Ashton watched you with his own tears, because even he cries when he sees this scene, and pulled you closer to him, kissing your forehead and whispering sweet nothings to you. Let's just say you both fell asleep in each others arms, tears stains on both of your cheeks, and the main menu playing the theme song still on the TV.

Calum: Star Trek: Into Darkness(2013)

You and the boys were sitting on the couch watching the 2013 version of Star Trek. You were sitting in Calum's lap when the captain closed his eyes, his hand sliding down the close as he slowly drifted off to an eternal sleep. You threw popcorn at the TV screen then hid your face in Calum's chest as Luke paused the movie.

They all stared at you in surprise and with questioning looks as Calum wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your head. When the movie was over, they asked you why you started crying and you answered with, "Because the hero shouldn't die and he was too cute to die!"

Michael: Marley and Me

You made the wrong choice in picking the movie that you and Michael would watch for your wheeling movie night. You thought that you would watch an old movie because apparently he hadn't seen it before and it was the perfect time for him to watch it.

The thing is even after watching it so many times, it still made you cry. I mean who wouldn't cry while watching this movie?! Even Michael was tearing up. The Michael Clifford who always said he was punk rock was crying with you while watching the movie. In the end you both were cuddled up on the couch wiping each other's tears.


So, I started this Friday in school before I went skating and broke my wrist so I thought I would try and finish it the best I could with one hand, on my phone, with autocorrect. I hope you guys liked it and thanks for being supportive of my wrist. ^^

Ciao, lovelies!


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