Preference 21. Why the fans love you...

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Luke: They love how you always make Luke smile. Since you guys had started dating, they never saw a frown on his face because he was always smiling at you. They love seeing him smile and for that they found no reasons not to love you.

Ashton: They love how you always make Ashton laugh. He's always making jokes or laughing at other jokes but when it comes to you, he always seems to laugh a bit louder. Whenever they hear it, they knew that laugh meant you made a joke or you were having an "argument" with another band member that he thought was funny.

Calum: They love how you always help Calum with pranks. Whenever you two were bored, he'd always come up with an idea to prank one of the boys and you'd always help him with it no matter what. You two were great at pranking when you worked together and they loved how happy that made him.

Michael: They love how you always dye your hair at the same time Michael does his. Whenever he got a new color, you'd get a new one as well or put streaks in your hair to give it a break from always being dyed. It showed that you weren't against him dying his hair since you did it as well and that's the number one reason they love you. Plus you try to talk him into slowing down so his hair can begin to strengthen again.


Hope y'all liked this one! I feel proud of myself for updating so much in one day! XD

Ciao, lovelies!

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