Preference 76. Taking a bath/shower together...

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Luke: You walked into the house that you shared with the house, sighing as you closed the door and rubbed your forehead. You had just finished yet another twelve hour shift because your boss disliked you so she wanted you to suffer. You were just glad that you didn't have school to worry about anymore, no, you only had a house full of loud mouth boys to deal with. 

You squealed as you felt someone come up behind you and pick you up bridal style, blushing as you looked at Luke who was smirking. "What are you doing, Lucas? Put me down," you huffed, pouting. 

He just shook his head and kissed your cheek. "I have a surprise for you," he said, carrying you up the stairs without any problems. 

"Luke, I just want to take a bath and sleep," you mumbled, sighing when he didn't put you down.

He chuckled as he entered their bathroom, gently setting her on the toilet. "I know. That's why I drew you a bath with some candles lite. Just the way you like it after a stressful week of work," he said, moving out of the way so you could see what he had already explained.

Your eyes widened before you looked at him, smiling. "That was sweet of you, Luke," you said, gripping his hand and kissing his knuckles. "Thank you. 

"Anytime, babe. Now, let's get you in the tub and relaxed before you get some sleep," he said, pulling you up gently. 

"Would you like to join me? It's always nice to have some company and the tub is big enough for two," you said, smiling as you kissed his cheek. 

He smiled back and nodded, kissing you softly. "Alright, love," he mumbled, pulling away. 

He helped you get undressed before getting himself undressed, getting into the tub first before you got in, sitting between his legs and leaning against his back. A sigh escaped your lips as you relaxed into your boyfriend, humming softly as he wrapped his arms around your waist. 

Ashton: You hummed as you closed your eyes and ran your fingers through your wet hair as you rubbed the shampoo in. You had just gotten home from school and Ashton wasn't home but he was gonna take you out for dinner as a celebration for you getting into the school you had been trying to get into for a few months. So, as soon as you walked into your room, you stripped as you walked to the bathroom. 

You were just rinsing the shampoo out of your hair when you felt arms wrap around you and pull you close to a lean chest. You smiled and opened your eyes a bit, looking up to see dirty blonde curls in front of familiar hazel eyes. You leaned up and kissed his chin and he chuckled, his arms tight around your waist. "I wasn't expecting you for another hour or so," you mumbled, letting the warm droplets of water fall against both of your skins as he held you tightly in his arms.

"I know but we finished early in the studio so I thought I would come straight home and get a shower before dinner," he explained, lightly peppering kisses along your neck.

You giggled and turned around in his arms, placing the palms of her hands on his chest as she leaned up and pecked his lips. "I guess we both had the same idea then," you said, giggling. "But we should be getting cleaned and ready then."

He pouted but continued to kiss your neck, lightly nipping at the skin. "We can get clean and have some fun real quick. It's still early~," he mumbled against the shell of your ear as you start to blush.

You squeaked as he gently pressed you against the wall, the water now falling directly over you as he kissed you softly.

Calum: You sighed as you closed your eyes and sunk deeper into the hot tub in your bathroom. You never really liked having it, being you were raised in a simple house with simple things. Yes, you did enjoy them, but you still felt weird when you walked into your shared house with Calum and saw all the expensive things everywhere.

You sighed again and rubbed your left hand through your hair as you continued to think, not hearing the door open and Calum walk in, looking at you.

He already knew how you felt with the things he bought for you and he always tried to explain that he didn't mind it, saying he wanted t show how much he loved you. He also knew how you were when it came to the things in the house like the tub and the bed and even the kitchen, but he knew you didn't care for those things which made him happy still because he knew that you loved him for him and not his money.

"Babe," he said softly, pulling off his shirt as you hummed softly, "mind if I join you? We just got back from a photoshoot outside and it was seriously hot today."

You opened your eyes to look at him, smiling softly as he started to undo his belt. "Yeah. I don't mind. This thing is too big just for me and I feel lonely in this big bathroom," you mumbled, looking around the bathroom.

He chuckled as he slid in behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he held you close. "I know. I'm sorry. I know you dislike some of the things here and you're not use to it but it is a house for all of us. And Ashton and Luke chose it so I can't really argue," he said, kissing your cheek before he leaned back and closed his eyes.

You nodded and closed your eyes again, letting out a soft sigh as you listened to Calum hum and rub your stomach softly. Yes, you didn't like the big and expensive things, but you did love the Kiwi that was holding you in his arms.

Michael: You giggled as Michael spun you around before pulling you close to him, kissing your lips as the music continued to play in the bathroom of your apartment. You smiled against his lips softly and hums softly as your lips moved in sync, the water falling on the two of you like a waterfall as he grinned. "Your lips are always so soft," he whispered softly, rubbing the small of your back.

"And your fingers are always so soft and gentle," you whispered, rubbing his chest where your hands rested.

He chuckled and kissed you again, sighing against your lips as he pulled you closer, if that was possible. His fingers continued to rub against your back as he pulled away and rested his forehead on yours. "I love you so much, Y/n," he whispered, looking into your eyes.

You blushed and smiled, looking back into his eyes. "I love you so much, too, Mikey," you said, giggling softly.

"Good. Because you're mine forever," he said, nipping at your nose playfully.

You laughed and lightly pushed him back, turning back around to finish washing yourself. "We have to finish with the shower though, Mikey. We are meeting my parents for dinner in two hours so no funny business," you said, giving him a side glance.

He pouted but nodded, helping you wash your back, lightly massaging into it as he hummed softly. You smiled and started to wash your face and hair, closing your eyes as you enjoyed every minute of it with him.

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