Preference 41. Passing out/fainting...

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Luke: You walked in to the house you shared with the boys and sighed, closing the door softly behind you. You had just gotten off a twenty-four hour shift as well as had to study for school during your breaks. You only had a few hours to rest before you had to go back in for another twelve hours, and you hadn't really slept well in the past few weeks.

"Y/N! Is that you?!" you heard Luke yell from the living room.

You sighed and walked into the living room, looking at the boys. "Yeah. Sorry I didn't come home last n-night," you mumbled, blinking at the mess in front of you.

There was pizza boxes all over the floor along with beer bottles, clothes that were clean were now on the floor and they were just sitting on the couch, playing the Xbox like always. You were like the maid of the house, you always cleaned the house every day and always picked up after them whenever something was thrown on the floor. You lived with it because you grew up doing that with your parents.

"It's fine, babe," he said, smiling as he looked at you.

You stared at him, your vision slightly blurry. "Alright..."

"Y/N," you heard Ashton ask, looking at you. "are you okay? You look li---"

You didn't know what happened but the next thing you knew you were falling and felt arms around you. You heard voices but couldn't make them out. You just relaxed and finally got some sleep.

A few hours later, at least to you that's what it felt like, you slowly woke up but didn't open your eyes since they felt heavy to you like you couldn't open them.

"Is she okay?" you heard Calum ask.

You felt a hand stroking your hair and turned into it, sighing softly. "Yeah. She'll be fine. Did you guys clean the living room and kitchen?"

"Yeah. Mikey and Ash are putting the bags outside now."

"Good. At least we should keep her from stressing so much over that."

You heard the door open softly then felt something cold on your forehead, making you whine softly. "That should help with her fever," Ashton said, sighing.

"Kind of feel bad now. We have stressed her out so much this month with her finals and her having to work so late that I guess adding the stress here with cleaning up after us piled up on her more," Michael said, a hint of guilt in his voice.

"Well, we just have to keep her from getting to stressed out and clean up after ourselves now. She's got finals in two days so she has to worry about that."

"B-But I have to work," you mumbled, slowly opening your eyes to meet Lukes' blue ones.

He smiled and kissed your forehead. "Rest first then school then you can worry about work after the test."

You nodded and yawned softly leaning into him as you closed your eyes again.

"Get some more sleep, N/N. We'll keep everything under control," you heard Michael say before you fell back to sleep.

Ashton: You were running on six cups of coffee the whole day, helping the boys at practice then getting ready for the show that you hadn't even sat down to rest in hours. You also were the opener of the show, the one that got the crowd excited and ready for the boys while the boys got ready backstage.

You ran on stage and waved at the crowd. "Hey everyone!" you yelled into the microphone, smiling at the crowd. "How's everyone doing tonight?!"

The crowd cheered and screamed various answers. You just smiled up at them and laughed. "That's good! You guys ready for tonight?!" The crowd screamed louder and you could see the signs made by the fans start to wave around making you smile. You looked around the arena at all of them, your vision getting blurry as you started to get dizzy.

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