Preference 24. How you meet...

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Luke: You were waiting to get your nose pierced and you were nervous since there were a lot of weird people there. The guy beside you didn't seem any better though because he was fidgeting around a lot and it was making you even more nervous.

You sighed and turned to look at the boy. "You seem nervous," you pointed out, staring at the blonde haired boy. "Wanna talk about something to get your mind off it?"

He looked at you and smiled shyly. "Is it that easy to tell?"

"Dude, you're shaking and you keep biting your lip. It's that easy to tell," you replied, chuckling. "Want someone to talk too while we both wait?"

"That would be great," he said, sighing. "My friends didn't come with me and I was already nervous about this."

"I'm nervous, too. Even though this is my second piercing," you said, smiling.

"Second?" he asked, eyes widening as you nod. "And you're still nervous?"

"Always am when it comes to needles. But I've done it on my own the first time so why not do it again?" you asked, smiling. "Though I can tell this is your first time."

"You psychic or something?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No. Just been here a lot to know what a newbie looks like," you said, giggling. "My brother works here."

"Is he good?"

"He's doing my nose. I can get him to do yours if you want."

"Really? You just met me though."

"And you're scared. You should get the best person to do it and that person is my big bro," you said, holding out your hand. "I'm Y/N by the way."

He smiled and took your hand. "I'm Luke. And you probably made me less nervous than my friends could do," he said.

"Glad I could help, Luke. No one deserves to be scared," you say.

You guys got to know each other a little more as you waited and even when you guys were done, you went for coffee. It was like this for a month before he asked you out and of course you said yes.

Ashton: You always were in Starbucks in the back reading a book or typing on your laptop. He always see's you sitting there all alone and he wants to give you some company but he's nervous sometimes. But one day, the coffee shop was really packed that you could barely find a place to sit.

You turned around to leave and nearly ran into the boy, dropping your book by accident. "Shit. Sorry," you said, blushing.

"It's fine. It's my fault anyway," he said, picking up your book and holding it out to you. "Wasn't looking where I was walking."

You took your and hugged it to your chest, your blush never leaving your cheeks as you gave him a shy smile and a small, "Thank you."

"Why are you leaving? You usually are in here even when it's packed like this."

"Uh, well, I don't have my music to block out everyone while I read so I was going to find a place to read that isn't so...packed," you explained, hugging your book tighter to your chest and staring at your feet.

"Would you like some company? I mean if you want! I just see you alone and you look like you could use some company sometimes. But it's up to you," he rambled, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

You stared at him blushing even more as he stared at you probably waiting for an answer. "U-Uh, I wouldn't mind at all. I'm just not use to, um, socializing with anybody," you stuttered.

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