5 Seconds of Summer Imagines/Preferences

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Yo! I'm writing a lot right now, I know, but can you blame me? I'm bored as hell and have so many ideas! So I have to write them down before I forgetthem! Even though I have study hall next then math and I can't really have my phone out during that time I still have paper out to write it down!

Anyway, like always if you have a request for an imagine you need to fill out the form down below and either comment or PM it so I can write it up;

Name (Nickname if you have one)
Genre (dirty, clean, cute, etc. you can choose more then one as well)
Hair color
Eye color

If you have any addition info please include it. I hope you all send in your reqeusts soon cause I don't think I have that many ideas in this head of mine! XD

Also if there are lyrics in my Imagines, I do not own the songs! I only use them as ideas for the Imagine! I'm just saying that because I don't want to get in trouble by anyone!

Ciao, lovelies!

5 Seconds of Summer Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now