Preference 39. Sleepovers...

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Luke: "You still coming tonight?" your best friend, Luke, Asked.

You closed your locker and looked at him. "For the sleepover with the boys?"

"It's not a sleepover~. We aren't kids anymore," he whined, pouting.

You giggled and hugged your books closer to your chest. "Yeah. I'm still coming. I haven't spent time with all you boys together in so long so it would be nice," you said, smiling.

He smiled and ruffled your hair before running off to catch the bus. You watched him with a smile before making your way to the pickup line where your mother was waiting for you.

That night you showed up a little late since your mom kept trying to talk you out of it, being that even though she knew the boys she didn't trust them that much. When you arrived the boys quickly pulled inside, the whole night you were forced into doing what they wanted to do. You were on the verge of leaving if it continued on any longer.

You sighed once again when Michael suggested to play Guitar Hero yet again. "Let's do something that Y/N wants to do, guys," Luke suggested, smiling at you.

"Sure. What would you like to do, luv?" Ashton asked, smiling as well.

"Watch a movie," you mumbled, hugging your pillow close.

"What should we watch?" Calum asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A movie," you said, grinning a bit.

"Smartass," he mumbled as Michael switched the TV to the channel for the DVD player.

"How about 22 Jump Street?" you suggested, tilting your head to the right a bit.

"We don't have that one yet," Luke said, frowning.

You opened your bag and pulled out the movie, earning gasps from the boys. "I got the last copy," you said, smiling.

You put it in the player and sat down beside Luke. Once it was over, you guys had decided it was time to get some sleep so you decided to pull out your sleeping bags. You laid down beside Luke, like always, and yawned, smiling when he wrapped an arm around you.

Ashton: "But mum!" you whined.

"No but's. You're staying here while we go on this trip," your mom said, pulling your bag out of the trunk.

"Well why can't I go with you?"

"Because I said so."

"That's not fair!"

She was about to say something when you were pulled into a hug. You blinked and looked up to see your best friend looking down at you with a big ass grin. "Ash!" you squealed, quickly hugging back. "What are you doing here?!"

"I live here. Just moved here last week."

"And you didn't tell me?!"

"Wanted it to be a surprise," he said, chuckling.

"Wait. So I'm staying with you for two weeks?"

"Yep," he said, grinning.

"That's awesome!" you squealed, hugging him tight.

He chuckled again and patted your back.

That night you and he caught up with each other. You guys watched movies, played games, and just had fun since you hadn't seen each other in so long.

Around midnight, he had noticed you had fallen asleep with your head on his shoulder. He smiled and turned off the TV, picking you up carefully then carried you up the stairs and laid you on his bed, covering you up.

He turned around to start making a bed on the floor when you tugged on his hand. "Cuddle with me, Ash," you mumbled tiredly.

"Alright, N/N," he whispered, getting in beside you.

You fell back asleep as soon as you felt his arms around you.

Calum: "Aw man~! It's pouring out and I have to get home!" you whined, flopping down on your boyfriends' bed with a pout on your face.

He chuckled and laid down beside you, wrapping his around your waist. "Relax, Y/N. It'll stop soon," he said, kissing your forehead.

"And if it doesn't?"

"Then you'll stay here."

"Cal, you know my parents would never let me stay at a boys house, and with four boys none-the-less."

"I think they would rather you stay here then drive home in this mess. Besides, you're old enough to decide for yourself."

"Not while I'm under their roof."

He sighed and shook his head. "Just relax. If it continues pouring like this, you're staying. If your parents yell at you for it, I'll tell them I didn't want you driving in this mess, which is the truth."

You giggled, nodding. "Alright," you said, kissing his cheek. "You're sweet."

"You know it," he said, smirking.

You laughed and shook your head. "Someone's cocky."

"Y/N!" Luke yelled.

You groaned and hid your face in Calums' neck. "She died!"

Calum laughed and rubbed your back.

"Well if she revives tell her that it'll be getting worse so she'll be spending the night!" Michael yelled.

"Alright! I will!"

"Looks like you're staying."

"Guess so~."

Michael: You were in Michaels' room, playing Xbox games with him. He had invited you over since his parents were away for a week and he felt alone.

"Boom!" you screamed, dropping the controller and holding your arms up in the air. "You just got beat by your girlfriend!"

He stared at the TV screen with wide eyes. "How....?"

"I'm just that awesome," you said, smirking.

"That's not fair! You cheated!"

"Don't be a sore loser~."

He pouted and opened his mouth to say something when you cursed and started putting your shoes on. "What are you doing?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I have to get home! I was supposed to be home two hours ago at ten!"

He blinked then grabbed your wrist and pulled you back down on the bed, chuckling when you squeaked.

"Michael~! I have to go~!" you whined, trying to stand up.

"It's late, babe. You walked here, it's midnight, I don't have a car, and it's too dangerous for you so just stay the night and tell your parents you fell asleep. I think they will understand," he said, pecking your cheek.

You sighed but nodded, pulling your shoes off again. "Fine. I'll stay if it'll make you feel better," you said, giggling as he pulled you on top of him.

"It would," he mumbled, kissing your neck. "Let's get some rest though. It's really late."

You nodded, laying your head on his chest. "Imma beat your ass at Call of Duty again tomorrow."

He chuckled and kissed your forehead. "Keep dreaming," he whispered before you both fell asleep.


Hope you enjoy it guys! Took awhile to update this one but here it is.

Ciao, lovelies.

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