Preference 4. You have an accent...

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Luke-German Accent.

You were sitting on the couch, watching tv when your boyfriend of two years, Luke Hemmings, walked through the front door and took of his shoes. "I'm back," he said, taking his beanie off and hanging it on the hat rack near the door.

"Velcome back," you said, turning to give him a warm smile. "How vas ze run?"

He blinked a few times, trying to figure out what you said, and raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, say that again," he asked, walking over and sitting beside you.

"I said how vas ze run," you repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"How was the run?" You nodded. "Oh...It was good. It's too hot to stay out there for long anyway," he said, smiling.

"Zat is good."

"I'm sorry but sometimes it's hard to understand what you're saying."

You sighed and nodded. "I've been told zat by a lot of people," you say, pouting. "I try to speak clearly but vith vords like vhat, ze, and ze rest, it's very hard."

He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing and nodded. "It can't be that hard." You looked at him like he had grown two extra heads and he shrugged. "Try saying a full sentences with all the words you have differiculty with."

You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms over your chest. "Vhy vould you vant me to do zat? Do you not believe zat it is hard for me?" you asked, narrowng your eyes at him. "Vhen I say it is hard, I mean vhat I say. I have only been in America for zree years and zis is ze best I can do."

He couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing. You stared at him as he threw his head back and held his stomach, laughing loudly. You glared at him and stood up, walking passed him. Before you could walk farther though, his hand shot up and wraped around your wrist, pulling you down to sit in his lap. "I'm sorry, babe, but it's so cute when you talk. I didn't mean to laugh," he said, pecking your cheek.

You puffed out your cheeks and stood up again. "You are sleeping on ze couch tonight," you said, walking away from the couch and up the stairs with a teasing smile on your lips.

He smiled, knowing you were joking, and shook his head. "Thank you Germany," he whispered then followed you upstairs.

Ashton-Irish Accent

You were sitting on the couch talking with your brother, Niall, when 5sos ran into the living room like they always do; crazy five year olds.

"Y/N!" they yelled, stopping in front of you.

You looked up at them and raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"You're Irish right?" Calum asked.

"Are ya seriously askin' me dat?" you deadpanned, giving him a blank stare. "Where have ya been dis whole time?"

"Ireland is part of the U.K right?" Luke asked.

"'Course it is," you and Niall said.

"Australia was once part of it also but it isn't anymore. Why are ya askin' dis anyway?" you asked.

"I told you guys!" Ashton yelled, throwing his hands in the air. "No one listens to me! No one!"

You stared at him and looked at Niall with a confused look, which he also returned. You looked back at the boys and tilted your head slightly. "What on earth are ya lads goin' on 'bout?"

They all stared at you, except for Niall who was wondering the same thing, and raised an eyebrow. You blinked a few times then narrowed your eyes at them. "What are ya lookin' at?" you asked.

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