Preference 34.2 Almost/Have been raped (few months later)...

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Warning(s): Mention/Action of Rape  

Luke: Luke had gotten the idea that maybe if you saw your brother than maybe all your nightmares would disappear . So here you were with Luke by your side sitting across from your smirking brother.

You took a deep breath and picked up the phone as he did the same, and put it to your ear. Before you could say anything, he opened his mouth first. "How's my favorite sister?"

You held back the urge to wince at his voice and you grabbed Lukes' hand under the table. "I'm your only sister," you mumbled, gulping as he smirked.

"That's why you're my favorite~. Now," he dropped his smirk and glared at Luke, "who's the idiot you brought with you?"

"His name is none of your concern, Jordan," you said a bit louder, getting his attention.

"Well it is actually considering you're my little sister."

You felt Luke squeeze your hand and you felt confident in yourself all of a sudden. "No I'm not. After what you did to me, you lost the title of being called my brother," you said, smiling mentally at his wide eyes even if they did disappear just as fast as they appeared.

"Has my dear little Y/N changed? What happened to the little girl who's innocence I took~?" he asked, grinning sadistically.

You froze at that and almost dropped the phone if you didn't have a death grip on it. "She...She died after you raped her and mistreated the trust she had in you, you fucking asshole. Now go burn in hell," you seethed, slamming the phone thing back on the receiver.

You and Luke left as the guards dragged your yelling brother away.Once you were outside, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

Luke hugged you tightly as you started to cry. "It's okay, baby girl. He won't hurt you anymore," he whispered, kissing your forehead.

You nodded and closed your eyes, hugging him tighter because you were free from him.

Ashton: It's been a week since you were nearly raped and you were always with Ashton, he made sure of it after all and you didn't complain because you didn't really want to be left alone. You guys never fought after that and you never told the boys what happened because, well, you didn't want them to know and Ashton was fine with that.

It wasn't until the end of the week the boys had started questioning why you were always with Ashton and they even got mad when Ashton would cancel last minute when they had plans to do whatever boys do just to be with you.

They ended up at your house to talk to you only to be met by Ashton opening the door. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you doing here? We thought you weren't feeling well," Michael said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm not. I came by to check on Y/N before heading home and she made me stay so she can help me feel better," he explained, leaning against the door frame. "Now, why are you guys here?"

Luke opened his mouth to speak since he was the other one in the group who could talk calmly like Ashton but Calum jumped in and blurted out, "Why the hell are you always with Y/N?! For a week now you've been ditching us with some lame ass excuse only to go hang out with...with your clingy ass girlfriend! Whatever happened to bros before hoes?! What happened to the band sticking together?!"

"Shit," Michael mumbled, looking passed Ashton.

All the boys looked at what Michael was staring at and their eyes widened when they saw you standing there with tears in your eyes. "Y/N," Ashton mumbled, sighing when you turned around and ran up the stairs.

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