Preference 77. He's taller than you...

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Luke: You growled as you stood on your toes, your fingers barely brushing against the product on the top shelf. You grumbled and fell back on your heels, glaring up at the can that you couldn't reach. You had always hated your height, being the shortest in your family and being told by doctors that you wouldn't grow any taller probably. You were always getting made fun of for it and it annoyed you, especially when your boyfriend is over six foot.

You blinked as you saw a shadow hovers over you, a chuckle being heard from behind you. You turned around and frowned as you saw Luke grinning cheekily at you. "Wipe that grin off your damn face. I can get the damn can on my own," you scoffed, turning back around and going back to trying to get the can.

"Babe, you've been trying for ten minutes and people have begun to stop and stare," he said, laughing as you stopped and blushed, looking around to see that he was, indeed, correct.

You grumbled and stepped back, crossing your arms against your chest as you puffed out your cheek. "Fine. You get it and let's get out of here," you mumbled softly, looking down at the ground.

He chuckled and kissed your forehead before grabbing the can and putting it in the basket.

Ashton: You watched him as he stretched, his shirt raising and showing his pelvis. You smiled as he walked over to the counter where you were leaning up against, placing his arms on either side of you, a smile on his face. "Good morning, my love," he whispered, smiling at you.

You smiled back and reached up to rub his cheek. "Good morning, Ash," you whispered, giggling.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. You're just so tall when you're over me like this," you explained, smiling. "I like it though."

He chuckled and rested his forehead against yours, grinning slightly. "You were staring at me when I was stretching, weren't you?" he asked, pecking your lips after you nodded. "You're so weird, Y/n."

"Thank you, dork," you said, reaching up and running your fingers through his hair.

Calum: You sighed as you climbed down from the ladder and flopped on your couch, rubbing your face before you looked up at the fan that you had to put a new light bulb in. It wasn't that high up but you were still growing so you had to use a ladder. Though, other times, your best friend was there to help you but he was at a meeting, leaving you to risk falling off the ladder and hurting yourself.

You ran a hand through your hair before pushing yourself up and grabbing the ladder to close it and put it away. Juts as you had leaned it against the wall to open the closet door, the front door opened, causing you to jump in surprise when your name was yelled, "Y/n Y/l/n!"

You turned and blushed as you saw a frowning Calum looking at you with his arms crossed. "W-What?" you asked, putting the ladder away.

"What have I said about fixing the lights on your own?" he scolded, closing the door and putting his bag on the couch.

"B-But, Calum, I asked you for two weeks to help me fix it and you always forget...I had to get it done because my sister and brother are coming over for dinner," you said, huffing. "And I still have three more to do, too."

He sighed and walked over to you, patting your head. "I'm sorry. Guess I have been really busy. Let's getting these things done but I'm changing the lights."

Michael: "Michael Gordon Clifford! Give it back to me right now!" you yelled, jumping and reaching your arm up to try and get your phone from your boyfriend.

He just laughed and held it higher, grinning. "Why would I do that? It's so much fun watching you whine and jump for it," he teased, laughing again.

You puffed out your cheeks and tried to reach for it again but failed. "Michael! I have to call my mother!" you yelled, glaring at him.

He just laughed and rested his cheek in his hand as he watched you continue to try and get the electronic from you. "This is better than a video game," he mused, grinning as the boys walked in.

You growled and kicked him in the crotch, watching as he groaned and let go of your phone, catching it as he fall to his knees with his hands over his crotch. You glared at him as the others laughed. "I told you to give it back! Next time listen!" you snapped before huffing and walking out of the room to call your mother.

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