Preference 40. Detention buddies...

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Luke: You didn't mean to laugh when the bucket of water fell on the teacher, especially since it was the principal, but because you were the first to laugh, you got the detention. The person that did the prank wasn't in your class but you were mad beyond belief that you were the one to get in trouble for laughing when the others laughed also. But you were the first to laugh and according to them that meant you had done prank.

You walked into detention and blinked when you saw Luke Hemmings sitting in the middle of the class looking bored as hell. You huffed and placed your bag on the front desk near the window. Just as you sat down the teacher walked in and wrote 'No talking' on the board. "I'll be back to check on you. No leaving, no talking, and no cellphones or you'll get another day of detention and I'm sure we both don't want that," he said, mumbling the last part before leaving you both alone.

You laid your head down on the desk and closed your eyes, letting out a soft sigh. You were ready to take a nap when you felt a paper ball hit your head, but you ignored it and tried to take your nap. But a few minutes later, you felt a finger poking your head. "You awake?"

"I am now," you mumbled, lifting your head up to look at Luke. "What do you want?"

"I heard you got in trouble for my prank this morning," he said, sitting beside you.

"That was your prank?! I got in trouble for la-"

He covered your mouth and chuckled. "Do you really want another day of detention for talking, especially being that loud?" he asked, taking his hand off your mouth after you shook your head quickly. "You look like the type of girl that does as she's told and never been in trouble, am I right?"

You nodded and puffed out your cheeks.

He laughed and smirked. "Thought so. Better get used to it because I'm gonna change your goodie-two-shoes side and you'll be getting detention by next month."


"Because I want to keep seeing you every day after school."

Ashton: You growled as you walked into detention and dropped your stuff in your usual chair. "I swear it wasn't me this time you dumbass teacher! How many times do I have to say that?!"

The teacher glared at you then left you in the room.

"Whatever," you mumbled, grabbing your stuff to leave.

"It's not wise to leave. You'll get more detention if you do."

You turned around to see Ashton Irwin sitting in the back of the class. "What are you doing here? You never get in trouble. You're the star student of all the classes," you said, scoffing as you rolled your eyes.

"My buddies pulled a prank then left the blame on me. You would think the teachers would believe that but they didn't."

"Sucks to be you then. Now, I'm gonna leave before the dumbass comes back."

Before you could walk out the door, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into the class. "No you're not. The only reason I accepted this punishment instead of selling my friends out was so I could talk to you," he said, narrowing his eyes at you.

"Why would you want to talk to me?" you asked, pulling your wrist out of his grip and fixing your bag.

"Because you look like you need someone to talk to and can be a friend. A true friend."

"I already have friends."

"True friends?"

"Um, yeah."

"Then where are they? If they were your friends, why are you here and not them?"

"What are you talking about, Irwin?"

"I saw your friends pull the prank and when the teacher questioned the, they blamed you for it and the teacher believed them."

You stared at him before walking pass him and dropping your things on the desk, sitting in the chair. "What do you want to talk about, Irwin?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest and propping your feet up on the desk as you stared at him.

Calum: Your bubble popped and you started chewing on your gum yet again as you stared at the back of the boys head in front of you.

"You know I can feel you staring at me, right?"

"And I would care because?" you asked, throwing a paper ball at the back of his head.

He sighed and turned around in his chair. "What do you want, Y/N?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

You looked up to see the teacher writing on the board and smirked then reached you hand out to grab the collar of his shirt. "You, Hood. I want you~," you said, pulling him into a kiss.

He smirked against your lips and kissed back.

"Ms. Y/L/N! Mr. Hood!" the teacher yelled.

You pulled away and chuckled. "What do you want, hag?"

The whole class laughed as the teacher glared at you. "Detention!"

"Eh? If you give her detention, you'll have to give me detention also," Calum said, smirking.

"I meant for the both of you, Mr. Hood."

You and he laughed as the teacher tried to calm the class down.

You smirked and looked at him. "Detention buddies?"

"For life, love," he finished, pecking your lips.

Michael: You giggled as Michael picked you up and sat you on one of the desks. "The teacher is gone for two hours~," he whispered, nipping your neck.

You giggled and pushed him away lightly. "I can't this week, Mikey~," you said, smiling slightly.

He pouted but nodded and helped you off the table. "Why does mother nature hate me so much?" he mumbled, sitting in the chair.

You giggled and sat in his lap. Sorry, Mikey. I just started after our little fun in the closet this morning," you said, kissing his lips.

"At least I got that in this morning."


He laughed and pecked your lips. "Love you, babe," he said against your lips.

You huffed and rolled your eyes, opening your mouth to say something only to be interrupted by the teacher walking into the class. "On opposite sides of the room, you two! You two have been getting caught nonstop since last month skipping class and school to make out somewhere. So from now on I'll be sitting in on your two month detention to make sure you two stay apart," the teacher said, sitting in the chair. "So, Ms. Y/L/N, on the other side of the room."

You groaned and kissed Michael softly before getting off his lap and walking over to the other side of the room, sitting in the chair. "Happy now, Mr. Buzzkill?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at the teacher as she rested her feet on the top of the desk.

"Feet off the table. Now."

You rolled your eyes and put them back on the floor.

Michael chuckled and smiled at you.

A few hours later, the teacher had fallen asleep in the chair. You looked over at Michael and grinned, standing up as he walked over to you. "Ready to get out of here, babe?" he whispered, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. "Shall we get out of this dump while he's asleep?"

"Of course. It's a drag here," you said, giggling softly.

You both walked out of the class quietly, being careful not to walk the teacher. You laughed as you guys got outside of the school and looked at him. "They seriously never learn do they?"

"I guess not," he said, laughing also.

He pulled you into a kiss, holding you by the waist as you kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Let's head to your place and watch a movie," you mumbled, against his lips.


I hope you guys like this one. Sorry it took so long to upload this one. I've been busy today.

Ciao, lovelies.

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