Preference 86.1: You're a bet...

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Luke: You yawned softly and stretched as you began to wake up, rolling over to snuggle into Luke. You hummed softly and opened your eyes slightly as you saw Luke with his back towards you, a frown on your lips. Usually when you were waking up, he'd be watching you with his arms wrapped around you.

"Morning, babe," you said, kissing his shoulder gently.

He hummed before throwing the covers off him, picking up his boxers off the floor as he stood up and slipped them on. You slowly sat up and watched him, holding the covers close to your chest as your eyes followed him. "Is...everything okay?" you asked, gripping the fabric gently.

"I have to go to the studio for a few," was all he said as he slipped on his jeans, picking his flannel up from the dresser.

"Alright...would you like me to fix you something before..." you trailed off as he shook his head, rubbing the back of his head.

"No, I'll pick something up. See ya later," he said, grabbing his phone from the nightstand before walking out of the room.

You stared after him, the frown not leaving your lips as you blinked a bit.

You two had been dating for five months, your longest relationship since your ex cheated on you. You two met at the studio he was recording in, your uncle had hired you to help keep the instruments in order and keep an eye on things when he was traveling. You had bumped into Luke while on your way to order a new drum kit and you two hit it off.

You sighed softly and rubbed your face before getting out of bed, picking up your phone as it began to ring. "Hello?" you answered, getting clothes together for the day.

"Lila, could you come in for the day? I had to schedule a last minute appointment for my back," your uncle said, sighing softly into the phone.

"I don't mind, uncle. What has to be done today? I'll get a shower and head in as soon as I can," you said, smiling as you rubbing the pendent Luke bought you for your birthday last month.

A few hours later, you entered the recording studio and headed towards your uncles office, smiling as you saw him at his desk. "Thank you, dear. I will make it up to you, I promise," he said as he stood up, kissing her forehead gently.

"Don't worry about it. Just go to the doctors and listen to them this time, they know what they are talking about," you said, chuckling as he rolled his eyes with a smile before leaving.

You put your bag down and looked at the recording schedules, smiling as you say that Luke was in the usual booth. Walking out of the office, you grabbed the copies of sheet music the boys asked you for and made your way to the booth.

As you turned the knob and started to push the door open, you froze as you heard Calum's voice ask, "Well?"

"Well, what?" you heard Luke ask, a sigh leaving your lips.

"Did you do it with her?" Michael's voice asked, hearing his guitar stings being strummed softly.

You gripped the folders tightly and stared at the door as silence filled the room for a moment before hearing Luke sigh and the others laugh, a frown forming on your lips. "I thought it would have taken longer to get her in bed," Michael said, putting his guitar on the stand. "Here's your $20, Cal."

"Wait, wait. There's still the other half of the bet; was she a virgin?" said boy had asked, placing his guitar against the wall.

Your eyes slowly widened as Luke answered with a soft yes, tears starting to well up in your eyes. Before you could walk away, the door was jerked open and you were met with a grinning Michael before his face fell. "S-Shit..." he mumbled, staring down at you.

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