Old Friends New Feelings!

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Yo! The title isn't really the best so I'm sorry but this is my first imagine for myself! It's a Luke Hemmings imagine!!! I love him!

Before I start, I have a nosering, right? Well you know how when your parents tell you that you can't do something yet you do it anyway because you really want too? Well I wanna get my lip peirced but my grandma and dad said I can't but I really wanna get it peirced! So when I get older and have the money and am not living with them I'm getting it peirced....! 😄 That's what I want anyway!

Anyway, here's the prompt and I hope you enjoy it!

Prompt: She hasn't seen him in two months since he went on tour with One Direction so it was a surprise when she ran into him, literally, when she was heading to her friends to get a CD for her cousins record company. When he see's how much she has changed some old feelings start to come up as well as new feelings.

Enjoy my loves!


She was on her skateboard speeding down the sidewalk and dodging people who yelled at her to watch where she's going but all she did was flip them the middle finger and kept on speeding down the sidewalk. She was super late for practice and it didn't help that she lost her phone for a good five minutes. She was trying to help her friends by sucking up to her cousin to get a record deal but he was just a prick to her.

Her phone rang and she was about to take it out of her pocket as she crossed a street not knowing a car heading her way when a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She, and the person, fell back as her skateboard was caught before it went into the street by another person. She groaned and shook her head. "Fuck," she mumbled, rubbing her head. "That hurt like hell."

"Well you would be feeling worse if you had gotten hit by the car," a heavy accent came from above her.

She blinked and found she was staring at a 5sos sweatshirt. "Hey, I know that band....where did you get that?" she asked, her own Aussie accent coming out strong.

"The store."

She sighed and slowly looked up. "Listen, smartass, I would love to continue talking but I'm kin--" She stopped in her tracks and stared into familiar blue eyes. Her sunglasses fell off the bridge of her nose slightly and she stared at him more. "Luke?"

He blinked and raised an eyebrow. "Um...do I know you?"

She sighed and took of her sunglasses to look at him with her bluish-green eyes. "You should. We've been friends since diapers," she said, smiling softly.

His eyes widened. "Savannah?" She nodded and watched him examine her. "What happened to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Y-You changed! What happened to the girl that said she'd never change?"

"I haven't changed much. All that's changed is my attitude and--"

"And you have peircings and is that a tattoo?" he asked, pointing to her exposed hip.

She looked down at it to see the bleeding rose tattoo she got last week. "Yeah. I got it last week. I had to talk my mum into it but I got it," she said, looking up at him. "And besides I've only got,like, four peircings, seven if you include my ears."

"Why? You said you hated them!"

She chuckled and slowly stood up. "No. I said I didn't get why people did that to their skin. There's a big difference, Luke."

He stood up and stared at her. "Well what's with the snapback? You usually love to have your hair flowing in the breeze."

"I love snapbacks! Remember? You got me this before you left to go on tour?"

"Well it does look good on her," a voice said.

She looked at the sorce of the voice and smiled. "Michael!" she cheered, hugging the lad.

Michael chuckled and hugged her back. "Nice to see you, too, Sav," he said, smiling.

"What about us?"

She let go of Michael and gave the other two a big group hug. "Missed you two as well, Ashton, Calum," she mumbled, smiling.

They all smiled at her before her phone went off. She jumped and quickly got her phone out. "Shit! I'm late!" she groaned, grabbing her skateboard from Michael and turning around quickly, causing her snapback to fall off exposing her dyed hair; bright red from the top slowly fading to a light pink down to the bottom. "Well..." She looked at Luke who was staring at her shocked. "I will explain later! I promise!"

She got on her skateboard and skated away with her snapback in her hand.

Luke sighed and rubbed his temple. "She sure has changed from the innocent little girl we all knew," Calum stated, chuckling. "You still going to tell her, Luke?"

"Of course I am. And I know where she's going," he said, crossing the street with the boys on his heels.

-a few minutes later-

The lads were in front of a garage. "She just left to go to her cousins record company," Jessica said. "She is trying to get him to sign us or at least to get them to put our song on the radio."

"Thanks, Jess. It's good to see you again," Luke said before walking down to the record company.

"So," Ashton said, walking beside him.


"She's in a band? And you didn't tell us?" Michael said, grinning.

"She made me promise not to tell. Not many people know that she can sing and play," Luke said, sighing.

"Yet she's trying to help her band get signed? That makes perfect sense, Luke," Calum said, chuckling.

"Whatdaya mean you won't listen to it?! You promised you would, Anthony!" a voice yelled.

The boys stopped and watched as Savannah agrued with her cousin. "I'm sorry, Savannah, that's life for you," Anthony said, grinning.

She puffed out her cheeks and turned around. "You really should have just stayed in America instead of coming down here," she mumbled.

"Savannah!" Luke called, running up to her.

"Hmm?" she said, looking up at him.

"When did you get the lip ring and tongue ring?"

"A month ago. Why?"

Without answering, he crashed his lips on hers. She was shocked at first before she started to kiss him back. After a while, he pulled back and smiled.

"Luke Hemmings? Have you finally come back to accept my offer?" Anthony asked, smirking.

"Nope. More like to offer a job," Luke said, staring into her eyes.

"For me? I would be ho-"

"Not you, fag," Savannah mumbled, smiling. "I believe he was talking to me. Right?"

Luke nodded and peaked her lips. "Before we left, I chickened out on telling you how I felt but seeing you today made me remember those feelings. Plus, we came back here to get you," he said. She raised an eyebrow and he chuckled. "We talked to One Direction and the tour manager and you can come with us. You are the greatest singer and guitar player I've ever grown up with. I want you to come on tour with us as my best friend and girlfriend and to help me stay on my toes. Please say yes."

She smiled before turning towards Anthony then kneed him where it counts and punched him hard in the face. She shook her hand and grinned. "Feels good to do that and not get in trouble. Tell my ol' man I'm gone because I'm going on tour with 5 Seconds of Summer!" she cheered, hugging Luke before kissing him again.


Well I hope you liked it! It took me all day to write it and I kept forgetting what I was writing! I better go cause we have a test in English and the teacher is a douche.

Cuao, lovelies!


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