Preference 33. First fan encounter...

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Luke: You were at Starbucks waiting in line to order a coffee when you heard giggling and whispers coming from behind you. You blinked a few times then turned around to be met with two teenager girls who stared at you with wide eyes. "Is there something on my face?" you asked, tilting your head slightly.

They shook their heads quickly and one elbowed the other slightly. "Uh, we were wondering if you were Y/N?"

You smiled and nodded. "The one and only," you said, giggling slightly.

They nearly squealed and asked you if they could get some pictures with you. So you agreed and when you got your order, you hugged them goodbye and left with a smile on your face.

Ashton: You were at one of their concerts when you heard a small group of girls trying to find their seats. You heard the seat number and the row and smiled. "I believe you are sitting next to me," you said, getting the girls attention.

"Oh my god," one girl said, eyes widening.

"You're Y/N!" the other said.

"Yes I am," you said, smiling more and chuckling slightly. "And your seats are right next to me."

They squealed and talked to you up until the concert started. They asked if they could take pictures with you and post them on Twitter or something. So you said yes with a big smile.

Calum: You had just walked out of a shoe store to get new s/t (Shoe/type) since your old pair was getting worn out. You were about to walk towards the exit when you heard a gasp from behind you.

You turned around and smiled at the preteen who was looking at you with extra big eyes. "Hi there," you said, bending over to look at her. "You look surprised to see me~."

"Y-Yes," she squealed out, blushing.

You giggled and smiled. "Wanna have a picture then?"

The preteen nodded and you took a couple pictures then said your goodbyes. That night you saw the pictures on Twitter which made you smile and follow the young girl.

Michael: You were walking out the back entrance of a restaurant with Michael to avoid the crowd of fans at the front.

When you walked out, you saw a small boy running towards you. You kneeled down and caught him in a hug, standing up and spinning around with him in your arms. He giggled and wrapped his small arms around your neck, making you smile as you heard a woman sigh and say, "I'm sorry. He saw you and next thing I knew he was out of my sight."

"It's fine. I love meeting cuties like him," you said, kissing the boys cheek.

You and Michael took pictures with the boy and you giggled when he would kiss your cheeks. After a few pictures, the mother took the boy and thanked you. For the rest of the evening, Michael didn't stop teasing you about how you would make a great mother one day.


I found this one very cute so I just had to write my idea for this preference. >.< I really hope you guys like it.

Ciao, lovelies!

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