Good Girls are Bad Girls

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Hey! I just looked up 5 Seconds of Summers' song and I loved it so much that it gave me a great idea for an Imagine for me! I like can't stop listening to it so I'm listening to it right now while I'm typing this up!

Prompt: She acts the way that her parents want her to be, which includes not dating the one that she loves. They think he's a bad influence on her but she doesn't care. She isn't exactly what she's suppose to be either.

It's not the best prompt that I've ever written I guess but I didn't want to give much away. Also, I'm on my laptop which is also really slow so I'm sorry if I have so many mistakes. I just needed to type this up with out my phone giving me any problems and I can't really use my grandmas laptop either.



She had been doing the dishes when she had gotten a text message.

'I'm outside. Where r u?'

She smiled and sent a quick reply.

'B right there. Gotta get by parents.'

She put her phone in her pocket and finished the dishes before she grabbed her bag that was on the dining room table and put all her books back in it. "I'm gonna go up and study for a few more minutes than head to bed," she said, smiling at her parents.

Her dad smiled and got up to give her a kiss on her forehead. "Don't stay up too late to study. You have that test tomorrow," he said.

"I won't, daddy," she said, smiling and giving him a kiss on his cheek. She walked over to her mom and gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Good night."

She made her way up to her room, closing the door behind her, and put her bag up against her desk before she walked over to her window and opened it slightly as a gesture tthat she has to wait for her parents to go to bed.

She went to her closet then looked in the very back of it to find her ripped skinny jeans and her long sleeve black crop top that she kept hidden from her parents because they would never let her wear anything like that out in public.

She changed quickly and brushed through her dyed red hair that had black highlights it now. She looked in the mirror and smiled when she looked at the tattoo on her waist. Her parents didn't know that she had gotten it but she didn't really care. She was eightteen now and she only had a few months left of high school before she was able to move out and she can be her own person.

She looked at the time and realized that she was thinking to long because it was now five passed midnight. She knew her parents would be in bed by now and won't be in to check on her anytime soon, mostly because they trusted her.

She went over to her window and opened it more and smiled down at her boyfriend, who was waiting for her leaning against the tree that was beside her window. She grabbed her coat and put it on before she climbed through her window, closing it slightly to the point where you couldn't tell that it was open. She grabbed the tree branch that was aboce a stronger branch and slowly made her way across it til she got close to the end of the branch. She looked down and cleared her throat causing her boyfriend to look up at her. "You gonna catch me, right?" she whispered down to him.

He grinned and held out his arms. "I will always catch you when you fall, babe," he said, nodding that he was ready.

She smiled and jumped down, landing in his arms like she always did. "Well hello there," she said, smiling.

"Hello, my fallen angel," he said, pecking her lips before putting her down.

"You're so cheesy, Mikey," she said, giggling as he grabbed her hand and lead her to his red Ford Focus.

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