Preference 70.3: You're not experienced; He teaches you...

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Warning(s): Sexual Content  

Calum: You were in your kitchen, headphones in your ears as you sang along to your Playlist, getting dinner ready for the boys when they got home from the studio. You were dancing slightly, swaying your hips to the beat before you turned away to get something from the fridge, screaming in surprise as you saw Calum standing there, a smile on his face. You stared at him as a blush formed on your cheeks and puffed them out softly. "How long have you been there?" You asked, turning off the stove.

"Since you started to sway your hips," he said, chuckling. "Didn't know you could do that."

You pouted and pulled your headphones out of your ears, walking over to him. "Yes you do. You just can't remember the next day," you said, chuckling as you took his bag. "Where's the boys?"

He watched you walk up the stairs before following behind. "They said they'd be home soon, had to make a few stops. So I came home so you wouldn't be lonely anymore," he said, smiling as you walked into the bedroom.

"That's sweet of you but you could of spent time with the boys for a few, babe," you said, smiling at him.

"I know but I love spending time with you after a day in the studio," he said, hugging you softly and kissing your cheek.

You giggled and blushed softly as you felt something brush against your thigh. "U-Uh, your little friend came to visit," you squeaked out, blushing even more.

He blushed and slowly pulled away, smiling a bit. "S-Sorry. I-I'll be right back," he said, kissing your forehead before walking to the bathroom.

You bit your bottom lip and turned around, grabbing his wrist. "W-Wait," you squeaked out, scolding yourself in your mind.

Calum looked at you and raised an eyebrow, a small smile forming. "And that squeak is why you're nicknamed Mouse," he teased, kissing your forehead.

You huffed and tugged on his wrist gently. "I'm trying to be serious here."

"Yes, but, I-I really need to take care of this, alright?"

"That's what I'm trying to be serious about, Calum!" you huffed, puffing out your cheeks a bit as the blush on your cheeks grew darker, before mumbling softly, "I-I-I wanna help."

He blinked a few times, not having heard you, and tilted his head a bit. "What?"

"I-I wanna help you," you mumbled a bit louder, slowly loosening your hold on his wrist. "I-I mean, we've been together for two years a-almost and...I-I may not know much about it but ma-maybe you could teach me?"

He stared at you before moving in front of you, gently cupping your face in his hands and having you look at him. "Are you sure?" he asked, rubbing your cheeks.

You nodded and leaned into it, looking into his eyes. "B-Been sure for a while but...was too nervous to ask about it. Y-You know I was never good when it came to things like this. I was always shy, even in health class," you grumbled, pouting a bit. "But I'm sure, I-I wanna try it with you...but start off small."

He chuckled softly and kissed you gently before resting his forehead on yours. "Alright, luv. Your call, what would ya like to learn first?" he asked, smiling softly.

You blushed and bit your lip, not trusting your voice, gently poking the dent in his pants with your head tilted a bit.

He blushed and scratched his cheek, clearing his throat slightly. "I-If you're sure."

"I-I-I-I wanna help y-you," you stuttered, blushing more as he undid his zipper and button on his jeans.

"Are you sure you wanna?" he asked, looking in your eyes.

You nodded and pressed your lips to his softly, pulling away slowly. "I-I'm sure, Calum," you mumbled, watching him nod and push his jeans off, kicking them off his feet.

You watched him as he slowly pulled his boxers down, blushing brightly as his cock slapped against his stomach lightly. He blushed and gently grabbed her hand, wrapping it around the base of his length, taking in a sharp breath as you closed your fingers around it. "Just, um, keep rubbing along it," he breathed, kissing your cheek gently.

You nodded a bit and slowly knelt in front of him, tilting your head as you slowly stroke his cock. You watched as a bit of pre-cum oozed out of the tip and collected it with your thumb, your skin brushing against the tip made him shiver and bit his lip. You blinked and looked up at him as he leaned back against the wall. "You okay?" you asked, tilting your head again.

"Y-Yeah. Just, um, your s-skin is really soft," he stuttered, blushing as he looked at you. "Anyway, um, j-just try to speed up your hand and tw-twist it around the head."

You smiled up at him as he stuttered, biting his lip again as he blushed more. "Alright~," you said, slowly picking up the speed of your hand and stroking his cock at a fast pace. You gently flicked your thumb over the tip and watched as he shivered and bucks his hips into your hand more, blushing as he let out a moan.

You lightly bit your lip before leaning forward a bit, lightly licking the pre-cum off the tip before lightly sucking on it. He blushed and looked down at you, a low groan forming at the back of his throat as he watched you pull away, licking your lips. "Are y-you sure you n-never...did t-this before?" he stuttered, bucking his hips slightly when you tightened your grip around the head ever so often, groaning as his head fell back against the wall, his eyes fluttering shut as he bit his lip.

You picked up your speed and stroked him faster, running your head along the tip just as he thrusted into your hand, moaning as he came on your cheek, chest and hand, small pants escaping his lips as he rested against the wall for a few minutes before looking at you, blushing as you licked the cum of your hand.

"It tastes weird," you mumbled, looking up at him as he let out a breathy laugh.

He knelt down in front of you and gently wiped the cum off your cheek and chest with his shirt, smiling at you. "You didn't have to taste it, babe," he said, kissing your forehead.

"I know but I wanted to see what it would taste like," you said, smiling. "I guess I did good if I made you cum."

He chuckled and nodded, standing back up and pulling his boxers back on. "I do need to take that shower though before the boys come and I think you still have to cook dinner."

You stood up and got on your toes, gently kissing his lips. "Thanks, Cal," you mumbled against his lips before walking out of the bedroom and back down to the kitchen.

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