Gotta Be Somebody

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So...I got this idea from listening to Nickelback's song Gotta Be Somebody and I know they might not like me using their song to write a short story about this band and I apologize for that but I needed to write something! When I get an idea to write I never let it go.

Also, to those who have been requesting something for me to write, I've got them in my flashdrive but I need to still do them because school is busy and all. I haven't forgotten about you guys, I promise, but school is more important. ^^

Summary; She was sick and tired of being lied to and cheated on. So when her heart gets broken for the last time she goes emotionless. But when her friends talk her into singing again and they record a video, she didn't expect for anyone to actually like it and like her as well.


A girl with pitch black straight hair balled up her fists and gritted her teeth as she stared at the reason for her anger. In front of her was the boy she thought loved her like she loved her but according to the chick he had pinned against the wall, he didn't love her.

"I can ex--"

"Don't you dare say you can explain when I've been standing here for five minutes watching you suck her face," the girl hissed, tears threatening to fall.

He opene his mouth to say something but she was quick to turn on her heels and storm out of there, nearly running her friends over in the process.

They watched her retreating form then looked into the classroom where the boy stood, looking scared at the site of the girls friends. "Shit," he mumbled as they neared him.



The raven head looked up from her spot in the back of the library and smiled sadly at her friends. "That's the fifth one this year," she said, tears starting to roll down her cheeks.

"Oh, please don't cry, Savvy," the redhead said, plopping down beside her friend and hugging her.

Savannah gripped her friends shirt and sobbed into her shoulder, letting her tears fall. "Why does this always happen to me, Courtney? Why do they always do this?" she sobbed.

Courtney rubbed her back and looked at their other friend, Kayla. "I don't know, honey, but they're all idiots if they don't see what an amazing person you are," she said, sighing.

They stayed there, even after the bell rang, and tried to calm the girl down. When she wouldn't, they decided to ditch school and go to their shared house to found away to get her mind off of it.

That's when she changed though. She just hid her emotions and stayed in her room more often. Everyone noticed the change in her; her appearance changed the most of all. She started wearing more black than usual and the music she listened to was mostly rock.

<A Month Later>

Savannah walked down the hall with her friends just as the bell rung for people to go to lunch. She didn't feel like going to her classes, though she was actually passing even if she wasn't there to learn anything.

"Savvy, did you hear about the new students coming today?" Kayla asked, avoiding all the kids rushing to get to lunch quickly.

"Yeah. I heard they are in a band and are from Australia~," Courtney said, giggling. "And one of them is in my Alegbra class."

"Was he cute?" Kayla asked, looking at her.

"He was hot as hell."

"Oh my god, so was the one in my Earth Science class~!"

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