Preference 70.1: You're not experienced; He teaches you...

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Warning(s): Sexual Content  

Luke: You were watching something on Michaels' laptop, having been bored while the boys were at the arena, practicing for the show they have tomorrow night. You laid on your stomach on the hotel bed, looking through his history. You put a chip in your mouth, humming to a song you had heard earlier that day, your hand slipping on the touch pad of the laptop, clicking a link he had looked at earlier that day.

Your eyes widened and you choked on the chip slightly as a video of a girl, with her legs spread and a guy hovering over her, licking and sucking on her clit as small moans escaped her mouth. You gulped and quickly shut the laptop with a hard slam, feeling your neck and your cheeks burn up as the door to the suite opened with Luke stepping in. "See you lads tomorrow!" he yelled, laughing as he closed the door.

He turned to look at you, a smile on his lips before it disappeared and his eyebrow slowly raised. "You okay, Y/n? Your face is all red," he pointed out, putting his bag on the chair before he sat on the bed to look at you.

You just stared at the closed laptop, your blush growing before you shook your head.

He picked up the laptop and started to open it when you squealed and shut it again. "Y/n!" he yelled, staring at you with wide eyes. "What is wrong?"

"M-Michael...history....dirty..." you stuttered out, hiding your face in your hands.

He raised his eyebrow again than opened the laptop, his eyes widening before he slammed the laptop shut, his cheeks a rosy red. "U-Um," he stuttered out, biting his lip ring as he slid the laptop off his lap.

You peeked out from your hands and looked at him, your cheeks the same shade as your nail polish. Your eyes slowly trailed down his chest to his jeans, a dent starting to form in them. "D-Don't tell me that got, excited?" you said as a question, not sure how to say it.

His eyes widened as he realized his erection straining in his boxers and jeans. He knew how innocent you were and growing up with you, he knew that you hadn't been in a relationship long enough to do anything with the guy. It also didn't help that he also imagined it was you inside of the girl in the video.

He let out a shaky breath and ran his right hand through his hair before he looked at you, smiling slightly. "I'm fine, Y/n. J-Just need to take a shower."

You puffed out your cheeks and sit in his lap, hearing his breath hitch. "You say that all the time, it doesn't take you an hour to shower, Luke. I may be innocent but I'm not stupid..." you mumbled, before sliding off his lap and staring at the dent. "Can...I help?"

His eyes widened more and he looked down at her, biting his lip ring. "U-Um...thought you didn't know a-anything."

"You can teach me. You did say that I could come to you for anything, and I trust you," you said, looking up at him.

He blushed brightly and gulped, his adams apple bobbing as he let out a shaky breath. "A-Alright," he said before standing up, blushing even more as he fumbled with the button and zipper of his pants.

You tilted your head as you watched him, your eyes following his hands as he started to slide his jeans off, leaving him in his boxers as he sat down on the bed, pulling his jeans off his legs and throwing them in the corner of the room.

"A-Alright," he stuttered out as he looked at you, not sure what to do. He sighed before he slide his boxers off, kicking them off as his member stood straight up, the tip oozing pre-cum.

You blushed and looked at him, tilting your head. "W-What do I do?"

He gently grabbed your hand and guided it to his dick, gently wrapping your hand around it, taking in a sharp breath as he glanced at you, your face just as red as his. He started to guide your hand up and down his cock, biting his bottom lip hard as he took his hand off of yours. "J-Just keep doing th-that," he stuttered, choking out a hushed moan.

You nodded and did as he said, biting your lip slightly as you watched your hand movement. You wiped your thumb over the tip, collecting some pre-cum, before leaning down a bit, licking it off your thumb.

Luke watched you and gasped softly when he felt your tongue lick his tip, biting his lip ring as he unconsciously bucked his hips up.

You blushed and continued to lick the tip, your hair falling in your face as you did so, pumping his cock slightly faster as you tightened your grip every so often.

He moaned and bit his lip harder as he closed his eyes tight. "S-Shit, Y/n. A-Are you sure you've never done t-this?" he asked, choking out a loud moan.

You nodded and pulled your head back, licking your lips as you looked at him. "I'm not that innocent or stupid, I do read and hear people talking," you stated, flicking your wrist slightly.

He moaned loudly and pulled your face close to his, kissing you roughly, shocking you but you closed your eyes and slowly kissed back, swallowing his moans as you lightly squeezed and twisted your hand around the head of his cock, rubbing your thumb of the tip and pressing it against it. He fisted the sheets and bucked his hips slightly, holding the back of your head as he deepened the kiss, cumming all over your hand and his shirt.

He slowly pulled away, blushing as he panted softly. "U-Um," he stuttered as you retracted your hand, licking it clean. "Wow..."

You smiled and jumped up out of the bed, running out of the room with Michaels laptop. "I'm gonna return his laptop," you yelled, giggling as you left him there, a panting mess.


So I'm making this 4 parts, one for each boy. I'm new to...this and I don't have experience with it but hey! I'll still try my best!

Ciao, lovelies.

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