Stole My Heart

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It was the only title that I could come ip with for this one! 😆

Anyway this is a Ashton Irwin Imagine for my friend! She has just gotten into the band and her fave out of them all is Ashton! So this is for my sista mistas!

Prompt: They were on tour near her house. They were going to surprise her but considering the fans found their hotel where do they go? When she see's Ashton, she is so happy. The next morning she wakes up early to make him a breakfast.

I don't think this will be the best thing but I hope you like it though.


Ashton's POV

I couldn't stop smiling as I looked out through the window of the plane. We were going to California for the next concert and the best part was that Courtney lived there. Well, she was there for collage but I still get to see her.

Even the boys were excited, but Michael was more excited to see Savannah, his girlfriend of three years and Courtneys bestfriend.

"Would you two love sick puppies stop looking lovey-dovey? It's sickly cute!" Calum complained, pouting.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Sorry, Cal. I just can't wait to see Court."

"I can't wait to see Savannah. She got a new tattoo last week on her waist and I wanna see it in person," Michael mumbled, grinning.

"I hope you at least keep your hands to yourselves for at least a night," Luke said, smirking.

"'Course not! We're gonna cuddle and play video games!"

"What do you plan to do, Ashy boy?" Calum asked me.

"Cuddle and stay in bed for as long as we can."

"Well then, I hope she never finds out~," a little voice said from Michael.

We looked at him and he held up his hands. "I swear it wasn't me! I can't get my voice that high," he said, defending himself.

We all shrugge it off and continued with what we were doing before we heard the voice say, "Just like Luke can't stop looking so hot when be bites his lip ring."

We all looked at Michael quickly as Michael and Luke began to blush. "What the hell?" Calum asked with wide eyes.

"I swear to god, I didn't say that!"

"It came from you though!"

"It wasn't me!"

After about five minutes of agruing they calmed down. I was looking out the window again, watching the clouds.

"Ashton has a nice ass and Calum is sizzling with a capital SIZZ~."

I blushed and looked at him. "Michael!"

"What the hell, dude?! Are you finally coming out or something?!" Calum yelled, blushing.

"I'm as straight as a board! I swear! I.Didn't.Say.It!"

"Then who is saying this shit?!"

"Luke's ass!"

We stared at Michael who hadn't moved his lips. "See!? I didn't say a fucking thing!"

"Nope but he's good at mouth fucking~."

He seemed to blush and look around. "What kind of sick joke is this?!" he yelled.

"How about the kind of joke where you butt dial your girlfriend while you're 200ft (or more i think) in the sky when your phone should be off?"

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