Mrs. All American

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Yo! So, I really love this song and so does my friend so I thought "Hey! Why not do a two in one special?!" So, this is going to be both an Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford Imagine for my friend and I! Mostly for her because she loves this song as much as I! XD

Summary: She is American, well both her and her best friend/roommate are American. They are visiting America to do a concert there, that and they just bought a place there so they have somewhere to stay if they vacation, and they run into her. She is such a big fan of them. She even somehow gets her friend to meet them also. What could possibly happen in the great US of A?

So, there it is! I hope you guys like it and I hope you also like it sista from another mista! XD


Courtney's POV

I was walking home from work with my phone to my ear as my roommate complained about the one thing she loves so much.

"He got his freaking eyebrow pierced! And dyed his hair lilac! Courtney! I swear he is going to become bald before he turns twenty!....and he's turning nineteen in a few months!"

I laughed and shook my head. "I know! And he might even kill the family population if he keeps surprising us!"

"Oh dear. I feel like it's already happening. Court, before I die, I wanna say...I love you as a sister."

I just laughed and shook my head more. "Savannah, your not gonna die! You might have a small heart attack but you won't die."

"You never know," she mumbled, sighing. "I'm gonna go start dinner. Be careful getting home. Apparently some fan girls are running around town looking for some boys. I tried asking who they were looking for but all I got for an answer was a ear ringing scream that almost broke my eardrums!"

I smiled and nodded, knowing she couldn't see me. "I'll be fine. Just don't burn the food this time!" Before she could say anything I said a quick goodbye and hung up, laughing as I walked past the park. It was passed six so most of the kids were heading home; except for these for four figures.

I stopped and raised an eyebrow at them. They had on hoodies and sunglasses, which made them look like they were perverts, at least to me. I mean they looked like they were too old to be kids yet too young to have any kids. I sighed and whistled at them, getting their attention. "I don't know who you are or what you are doing, but if you wanted to people to think you're pervs then you succeeded," I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"We're not perverts!" one of them yelled.

I raised an eyebrow as I heard his accent. "You look like you guys are."

"Well, we aren't," another said.

"Yeah well I can tell you guys aren't but others might not," I said, rolling my eyes. "What are you guys doing out here so late anyway? Most people would be in their house watching tv or something around this time."

"Well, we're different then," one of them said, grinning.

I stared at them and tilted my head slightly. "You guys sound familiar," I mumbled. I stared at them for a minute before shrugging. "Nah. I'm imagining things probably."

"Who do you think we sound like?"

"5 Seconds of Summer but they aren't anywhere near here so you're probably teenage pervs."

"We aren't perverts!"

I grinned and chuckled. "I hit a soft spot," I teased. "Anyway, I better get going. My roommate is cooking..."

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