Preference 25. Bra shopping...

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Luke: He was always embarrassed when you dragged him into a bra store. He was even shy when you asked for his opinion on what bra would look better on you and you'd just find his shyness so cute that you'd hug him and kiss his lips before heading to the checkout counter.

Ashton: He wouldn't mind going in with you but he would want to make it quick because he felt slightly uncomfortable standing in the middle of a bra store. You'd be rushed to pick out what you want but it's always funny to see him blush or be on look out like he's doing something bad.

Calum: He would just act comfortable with it because he'd be able to get a peek at what he'll see you in later but once you guys get what you wanted and stepped out of the store, he'd be blushing and you'd be giggling at how cute he was when he blushed.

Michael: He would love to go in with you because he'd try to get you to buy the sexiest bras they have. Though you never did let him talk you into it, it still made you laugh and smile.


I got this idea from my guy friend who was talking about someone taking him shopping. I don't remember who told me this story but I thought it was so funny that I would write a preference about it.

Ciao, lovelies!

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