Preference 27. Your best friend in the band...

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Luke: You and Ashton grinned at each other with your water balloons at the ready. You were just waiting for the first person to walk out the front door, which would be your first victim.

You heard the front door open then click close and smirked at Ashton as you both jumped out of your hiding places and throw the water balloons without looking at the person.


You gave Ashton a high five and grinned before looking at your target, your grin disappearing. "Oh god," you mumbled.

"Y/N! Ashton!" yelled a soaked Luke Hemmings.

"It was his idea! He roped me into doing it!" you yelled, pointing at Ashton.

"What?! It was your idea not mine!" he yelled back glaring at you.

"I don't care who's idea it was, you guys shouldn't have done it," Luke scolded.

You pouted and glanced at Ashton. "But it's also Calum's fault. He dared us to do this and we couldn't say no," you lied.

"Yeah. We never back down from a dare," Ashton said, pouting.

Of course Luke didn't believe you but at least you guys had fun.

Ashton: You hummed softly as you drew on your loving boyfriends face as Calum drew something on his arms. "We better hurry, Cal. His alarm will go off in a few," you whispered, putting the cap back on the marker.

"Let's go then. "I'm done here," he said, standing up and pulling you out of the room. "He's gonna be pissed when he wakes up."

"Don't worry, you big baby. I'll protect you from my fiesty boyfriend," you said, patting his head.

"I'll protect you as well, Y/N. We'll get through this together," he said, patting your shoulder.

You two heard Ashton's alarm go off and him groan as he turned it off. "Go," you mumbled, pushing Calum into the living room with the others.

"There you guys are. You're usually the first ones awake. What took so long?" Luke asked, looking up from his phone.

"No reason," you said, grinning as you plopped down beside Michael. "Cal! Cuddle! Ashton's not down here ye-"

"Y/N! Calum!"

You quickly pulled Calum down beside you and hugged him tightly as he did the same back. We're dead now," he mumbled as Ashton stomped into the room.

"Least we'll die together," you whispered as Michael and Luke laughed at Ashton.

In the end, Calum had to do dishes for a week while Ashton punished you in a different way if you know what I mean.

Calum: You pouted as you sat on the couch with your arms crossed over your chest and an Xbox controller in your lap.

Michael walked by with a plate of pizza but stopped when he saw you pouting. "What's wrong, love?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you and Calum were playing Fifa."

"Calum went to bed," you mumbled, grabbing the other controller to turn it off. "He said I should do the same soon so I guess I sh-Hey!"

Michael took the controller from you and plopped down beside you, giving you his second slice of pizza while he took a bite out of his. "Let's play," he said, grinning.

You smiled and nodded. "I'm gonna kick your ass though," you said, taking a big bite out of the pizza before starting the game.

You guys played all night and ended up falling asleep on the couch. When Calum came looking for you, since you weren't next to him when he woke up, he smiled when he saw Michael laying on the couch with his arm around you protectively since he always thought of you as a sister.

Michael: You glanced at Luke from the corner of your eye as you two saw Michael doing a Twitcam with Ashton. Ashton gave you a quick smile and nod as you two grabbed two big glasses of iced water each and slowly made your way up behind your boyfriend.

Ashton grabbed Michaels' phone and he glared at him, trying to grab it back. "Now!" Ashton yelled.

You both dumped the ice water on him and laughed when he screamed like a girl. "Oh my god," you said in between laughs.

"Y/N! Luke! What the hell?!" Michael yelled, glaring at you both.

"No cursing," Ashton said.

"Shit. Luke, he's mad," you said, hiding behind him.

"No cursing," Ashton repeated.

"Why are you hiding behind me then?!"

"Cause you're the man! So be the man, Penguin man!"

Michael laughed at that as Ashton shook his head with a small smile on his lips. "You want a hug, babe?" Michael asked, smirking as he stood up and walked behind the couch to you.

You pushed Luke into Michael and ran. "I'm outty," you said, laughing.


Yo! I hope you liked this one because I had fun writing it. ** Keep tuned for more preferences by me!

Ciao, lovelies!

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