Preference 15. How you sleep...

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Luke: He would probably have his arm around your waist with your back against his chest and his face nuzzled into your neck. He'd probably whisper sweet things to you as you're falling asleep and lightly kiss your neck every once in a while.

Ashton: So he would have both his arms wrapped around you as he laid on his back with your head on his chest. You guys would talk about your day as he ran his fingers through your hair which he knew calmed you and helped you fall asleep. He'd make sure you were asleep before he kissed your forehead and fell asleep himself.

Calum: I feel like you guys would switch on who would be big spoon and little spoon. Like, one night he would just wrap his arms around you and rest his chin on your head. Other nights he would cuddle into you with your arms around him as you run your fingers through his hair.

Michael: He'd probably have you layng on top of him with his arms around your waist tightly and your head laying on his chest. He'd play with the ends of your hair and mumble compliments to you, making sure he tells you everything he loves about you until you both fall asleep.


Yeah so I thought I would do this one because I was running out of ideas and I got this idea in math class today so here I am posting it here~. Hope you guys like it. ^^

Ciao, lovelies!


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