Preference 70.4: You're not experienced; He teaches you...

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Warning(s): Sexual Content  

Michael: You were snuggled into him as you slept, soft, quiet snores leaving your slightly parted lips as you slept. Michael watched you as he gently rubbed your side, smiling softly at how innocent you looked. Though, you were always innocent and he found it cute when you blushed whenever he made a dirty joke, making him grin in satisfaction.

You were Calums' cousin but you were both born at the same time so you were known as the twin cousins. Michael wasn't surprised when he learned that you were innocent and he used that to his advantage whenever he could. Teasing you about anything, mostly when he suddenly got hard, watching you stretch before and after a run.

He chuckled softly as he pulled you closer, pressing his lips to your forehead as he sighed happily. He was always scared to lose or hurt you because to him you were so delicate which is why he was so surprised when you said yes when he asked you out, shy smile on your face as he asked you in front of the boys, Calum teasing both of you, mostly you.

You stirred slightly and nuzzled your face in his neck, letting out a soft sound, it being muffled by his neck.

He chuckled, the feeling tickling him as he rubbed your lower back. "Wake up, babe. It's nearly noon," he mumbled, kissing your cheek.

"I don't wanna get up," you muttered, stirring a bit more. "Hey, Mikey?"


You were quiet for a minute, causing him to worry a bit. "Everything alright, love?" he asked, pulling away a bit to look at your face, grinning slightly as he saw the blush slowly creeping up your neck. "You only blush when it's something embarrassing~."

You puffed out your cheeks and tried to glare at him but failed as you hid your face in your hands. "T-That's cause it's embarrassing!" you whined, peeking out to look at him. "A-And I don't know h-how you'd take it."

He smiled and puled your hands away from your face to kiss the tip of your nose. "You can ask me anything," he said, chuckling as you averted your eyes, looking anywhere but him.

"W-We've been t-together almost t-two years," you mumbled, laying your eyes on his hair as you blushed, seeing him grin in the corner of your eyes. "A-And..."

You couldn't finish, the words to embarrassing as you just hid your face in your pillow, hearing him laugh as he pulled you closer. "Are you trying to say what I think you're trying to say?" he asked, kissing your neck.

You blushed even more and slowly nodded, slowly pulling your face out of the pillow. "I-I m-mean, I trust y-you and I really w-wanna try...but...slowly get into it b-b-because I don't want it to h-hurt much," you mumbled softly, hiding your face in his neck.

He smiled and kissed your cheek before causing you to squeal and look up at him as he hovered over you, blushing brightly as you stared up at him. "Then let's start with something small yet feels good," he said, smirking as he winked, causing you to blush more.

He kissed you softly yet deeply, something you were used to by now, having made out many times before so you closed your eyes and slowly kissed back, relaxing a bit. You didn't notice that he had slowly trailed his hands up your thigh before slowly moving them to the waist band of your panties, tugging them down a bit as he forced your mouth open with his tongue. You squeaked in surprise but slowly put your hand on the back of his hand, lightly gripping a handful of his hair in your little fingers, causing a groan to vibrant through his chest.

You pulled away slightly, a moan leaving your lips as he rubbed your clit softly, a blush covering your cheeks as your breath fanned over his lips.

Suddenly he pulled away from you fully and blinked slightly, your mind still catching up to you after the kiss before you squeaked, looking down between your legs to see him grinning, blowing on your clit and wet, warm slit. You blushed brightly and started to hide your face in your hands only for him to quickly grab them and grip them as he suddenly started sucking on your clit, swirling his tongue around it a bit.

You gasped softly and instantly gripped his hands back, lightly biting your lip as you looked down at him, watching him as he continued, sometimes moving down a bit and running his tongue along your slit before going back to attacking your clit. He continued for a few more minutes, his eyes trained on you as he sucked and tugged on your clit, moans leaving your lips softly as you tried to pull your hands free but he continued to grip your hands.

You were about to say something when a surprised yelp escaped your lips as he suddenly plunged his tongue into you, swirling it around, taking in your taste as you moaned a bit louder, biting your lip harder as you squeezed your eyes closed. He grinned as he watched you, never letting go of your hands as he starting slowly thrusting his tongue in-and-out of your pussy slowly, humming as he did so, a whimper leaving your lips.

You lightly raised your hips, a tightness forming in the pit of your stomach as your back arched off the bed slightly. When he suddenly thrusted his tongue deeper into you and curled it, you gasped loudly, closing your knees against his hand as he chuckled, continuing to wiggle his tongue before slowly taking a hand away from yours, keeping his other one in yours. You opened your eyes slightly and looked at him, panting as moans left your lips.

As soon as you made eye contact, you blushed but didn't hide your face, instead a surprised, loud moan left your lips as your hand flew up and gripped his hair, whimpering softly as you felt his index finger wiggle against your walls. "M-Mikey," you choked out, your head falling back on your pillow as you let out soft short moans, the tightness in you're the pit of your stomach growing.

He chuckled against your lips, lightly sucking them as he thrusted his finger along with his tongue, feeling your walls clench around both as he watched your figure.

You whimpered softly and gripped his hair a bit tighter, lightly tugging on it as you gripped his hand tightly, arching your back off the bed more. You felt him grip back as his pace quickened, humming against your lips and sending vibrations through you causing you more pleasure. You just squeezed your eyes closed as he continued, your hips raising and your legs holding him tightly there as the tightness grew to a point that it started to hurt. "M-M-Mikey," you gasped, bucking your hips slightly, your blush growing as you bit back a moan.

He grinned, already knowing you were close by how your walls clenched around him. He looked up at you, adding a second to a mix, watching you wince slightly but it soon was replaced by pleasure as he continued to thrust him fingers, pulling his tongue out and attacking your clit again, causing you to squeak and pull on his hair. "Come on, babe~. Stop holding it back and let go~," he hummed against your clit.

At those words, along with the vibrations, sent you over the edge, soft whimpers leaving your lips as you came, your blush covering your neck and chest as he slowed down, your legs slowly unclamping from around his head but your hand never leaving his as you opened your eyes and watched him.

He pulled away and wiped his face with the sheets before kissing you softly, gripping your other hand again as he laid beside you. He slowly pulled your panties back up, smiling as your legs shook slightly before pulling you close by your waist, nuzzling your cheek as you giggled slightly. He kissed your nose and smiled again, looking into your eyes. "In all seriousness, how was that?" he asked softly, watching you.

You looked at him, a small smile paying on your lips. "C-Can w-we just cuddle a-all day? I-I really don't feel like getting o-out of bed now," you mumbled, blushing as he chuckled and nodded, kissing you softly. "A-And...i-it was g-great."


Here's part four. I'm using the Hotspot on my phone to post this since I'm on my laptop. I'm gonna post another Preference before I get off the Hotspot but I hope you guys enjoy this one.

Ciao, lovelies.

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