Preference 84. You're just friends and you/him see him/you naked...

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Luke: You groaned softly as you rubbed your eyes and sat up from your spot on the couch. Running a hand through your greasy hair, you looked around and noticed that the boys were still asleep. As you let out a soft yawn, you pushed yourself up and stretched.

You had spent the night at their house the following night. They knew that you have been stressed and pushing yourself a lot with work. So, as a way to cheer you up and help you relax, they decided to have you spend the week with them, last night being the first night of that week stay.

You made your way up the stairs and into what you thought was Ashton's room, closing it but forgetting to lock it. Rubbing your head, you walked into the bathroom and pulled off your pajamas, slipping into the shower and letting the warm water hit your cold skin. You let out a sigh as you closed your eyes and tilted your head forward so the water could running over your hair and down your back.

You didn't know how long you were in there, you had lost track of time and most likely fallen asleep because when you opened your eyes again, you could hear pots and pans banging against each other from down stairs. So, you pushed your hair back and sighed, turning off the water and pulling the curtain of the shower back to grab a towel.

As you reached out to grab the one hanging over the towel rack you blinked and looked at the door, feeling a pair of eyes on you. A blush slowly ran from your neck up to your cheeks as you saw Luke standing there with the same blush on his cheeks and a change of clothes in his hands. "H-Hi..."

"H-Hi," you choked out, quickly wrapping the towel around yourself. "I-I didn't hear you knock."

"...I think I fo-forgot to..." he said, clearing his throat as he scratched the back of his neck. "I-I'll be outside...for know, you're done."

You watched as he quickly closed the door before you let out a squeak you had been holding on to and kneeling down to hide your face in your knees. You stayed like that for a while before you slowly got out of the shower and tried off. Pulling on your clothes, you used the towel to lightly pat your hair down to get some of the water out of it before slowly opening the door.

You glanced over at Luke who was laying on his bed with his face in his pillow, making you giggle a bit as you realized he was probably trying and failing at not blushing. "Everything alright, Hemmings?" you asked softly, grinning to yourself.

"Go to hell," you heard him mumble, most of it muffled by the pillow.

You laughed and shook your head. "I don't see why you're making a big deal out of this."

You watched as he quickly sat up and looked at you, his face all red as he narrows his eyes at you. "You would too if you just saw your best friends sister naked in your own shower," he said, groaning and falling back on to his bed. "Ashton is so going to kill me."

"Honestly, I thought this was his room but I was half asleep. So, I am sorry that I might be the reason for your sudden disappearance from the band," you joked, laughing as the door was pushed open to show the others.

"Sudden death for what? Who's dying?" Ashton asked, raising an eyebrow at Luke when he saw his face.

"Nothing!" you both quickly yelled, your face now the same color as Luke's' as you groaned a bit and glanced at Luke, both of you thinking the same thing as Ashton crossed his arms over his chest. 'This is going to be a very long day.'

Ashton: You hummed as you made your bed, letting out a stifled yawn before walking out of your room and into the living room you shared with your roommate and middle school friend, Ashton. But before you even got into the living room, you were stopped at the door way to see clothes all over the floor which caused you to raise an eyebrow.

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