Preference 18. Twitcam...

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Luke: You and Luke always did Twitcams together. The fans loved it when you two were together.

"Y/N! Come cuddle!"

You poked your head into the living room to see Luke sitting on the couch with his laptop open and on the coffee table in front of him. "Twitcam?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he said, nodding.

You walked over to him and plopped down beside him, smiling at the camera. "Hi everyone," you said, giving a small wave.

Luke pulled you closer just as the comments and views increased. "They wouldn't stop asking for you. It seems you've stolen my fans," he said, pouting.

"Not my fault I'm cute," you said, winking at the camera.

"That's mean!"

"I'm sorry, baby," you giggled, kissing his nose.

The rest of the night, you answered questions from the fans until Luke fell asleep with his head in your lap. You ended the Twitcam and woke him up to get him to the bed. The next day you guys found #LukeSleepsinY/NsLap with lots of pictures of you two.

Ashton: You always did Twitcams since you were a YouTuber but Ashton always seemed to know when you were doing one and would pop up out of nowhere.

"Hey, babe."

You jumped, nearly falling off the couch, and looked back at him. "Ash! Don't scare me like that!" you scolded.

"Sorry," he said, sitting beside you. "Whatcha doing?"

"A Twitcam."


You stared at him for awhile then sighed and pushed you hair out of your face. "Would you like to join me?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I would love too," he said, grinning.

You rolled your eyes and continued talking to your fans. Ashton would join in every so often but other than that you guys had fun like you always did when you did Twitcams together.

Calum: He always begged you to join him but you always declined because you were scared of what the fans would say.

"Y/N! There you are!" Calum called as you walked into your shared bedroom. "C'mere and do the Twitcam with me."

"Why can't you ask one of the boys to do it with you?" you asked, sitting on the end of the bed.

He put the laptop on the bed then grabbed your arm and pulled you over to him.

"Cal! Stop!"

He pulled you on his lap and rested his chin on your shoulder. "There we go," he said, grinning. "Say 'hi', Y/N."

You blushed and gave a small wave.

"Since the others are busy with whatever they're doing, I thought you'd join me."

" forced me?"

"Not exactly," he said, kissing your cheek.

You sighed but let him hold you there as he continued on with the Twitcam. Every so often a fan would ask you a question and you would answer it. In the end, you fell asleep in Calums' lap and everyone went crazy over it. The good kind of crazy because they actually thought you two looked cute together and you did make Calum happy so they started to like you.

Michael: Whenever he did a Twitcam, he would always have you with him so he could cuddle with you while he talks to his fans.

"What should I talk about now, babe?" he asked you, nuzzling your neck.

"Talk about all the sightseeing you did today with the boys," you mumbled, yawning slightly.

"You getting tired?" he asked, looking at you as you closed your eyes.

"A little. Just continue with the Twitcam. I'll fall asleep soon," you mumbled, moving closer to him.

You listened to him talk to his fans as he rubbed your back slowly, making you fall asleep faster than you had hoped for. When Michael noticed this he smiled and kissed your forehead then said goodbye to his fans so he could get you to bed so you wouldn't wake up with a hurting neck.


Hey guys! So I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating lately on all my stories and I wish I could update faster but I can only do so much now that I'm trying to pass this last year of high school. ^~^ I hope y'all can forgive me if I give y'all a few preferences for today.

Ciao, lovelies!

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