Preference 19. How he knows when you're mad...

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Luke: He knows when you're mad when you give him the silent treatment and ignore him. As soon as he realizes what's going on he tries to fix it if you're mad at him and if you're mad for another reason he tries to get you to talk no matter what. He doesn't like seeing you mad, he liked it better when he saw your beautiful smile.

Ashton: He knows when you're mad when you lock yourself in the bathroom or bedroom for a long period of time. He would sometimes let you be so you would calm down but when you'd stay in there longer than you usually do he'd try to talk you out of there as best he could and get you to talk to him when he successfully got you out.

Calum: He knows when you're mad when you look like you're about to murder someone. He can tell just by looking in your eyes when you get mad because he always says your eyes look like they are on fire when you're ticked off to the extreme. So when he notices, he does everything in his power to change that.

Michael: He knows when you're mad when you accidentally go into one of your accents that he hears you practicing with. When he hears one of them, he swears and he can hear the venom in it more than in your actual voice. He lets you calm down first before he asks what's wrong and listens to everything you say.


So here's another preference. I hope y'all like it. ^^

Ciao, lovelies!

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