Authors Note!

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Welp...hey guys! It's 2024 that I'm posting this. Weird...right? Haha...

Sooooo, I'm not sure who will read this, hoping to bring back some old fans who subscribed to it. But if not, no biggie. I mean we all have lives to live.

But anyway. Here's the list of why I'm suddenly posting again:

For about 5 years now I've had the worst writers block possible. I was going through some problems also with losing 2 family members and a few animals which brought on more depression. I was still writing during these 5 years, however, I wasn't posting what I was writing. I was still writing up preferences but they hadn't been....finished due to said writers block.

So in 2022 I thought I'd put the story as complete.

However! I recently have been getting help and in the process have returned to writing and finishing said preferences. Yes, I know I am now a 27 year old woman with a full time job and the boys are also grown. And I shouldn't be writing and posting One shots and Preferences anymore.

Don't care~. I missed my writing and have even been listening to old albums and new songs of theirs again. And it helps me feel relaxed.

So I'm gonna be posting again!!!

I hope to see old followers who read the stories and bring in new followers possibly.

For tonight, I bide everyone  ado~

Ciao, lovelies~

5 Seconds of Summer Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now