Preference 85. You're caught in a heated moment by one of the boys...

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Luke: You hummed softly and closed your eyes as you felt Luke's soft lips press against the side of your neck, your head tilting a bit as a smile played on your own lips. "Luke~," you breathed out, gasping as he slowly pushed his the tip of his cock into you, "the boys will be here at any mo—"

You were cut off by his lips catching yours in a rough kiss, a surprised moan escaping you as he suddenly thrusted his full length into you and causing your back to arch. You felt him wrap one arm under your back as he used the other to hold himself up, his lips pulling away slightly to hover over hers. "S-Sorry, love, b-but I've missed you and I can't hold back when I see you in my flannel," he whispered, his warm breath fanning over your lips as he spoke.

You blushed softly as you felt his cock twitch inside you, biting your lip as he started to pull out only to thrust back in quickly and causing you to moan out. "L-Luke...I-I'm seri-serious~," you choked out, your fingers finding their way to his white tank and gripping the fabric gently. 

"Yeah? So am I," he mumbled, grinning ever so slightly as he started to thrust into her slow and hard. He bit his lip as he felt your walls twitch around him, your moans filling his ears and causing him to speed up his thrusts. His eyes slowly found your face and he let out a soft moan at the sight; your eyes squeezed closed and your soft plump lips parted just enough for your moans to escape, sweat starting to line your forehead and a bright pink blush was painted along your cheeks. "'re so beautiful..."

You opened one of your eyes slightly and stared at him, opening your mouth to speak only for a loud moan to escape as he started to thrust harder. You let out a few gasps, your back arching a bit more and bit your lip. 

The moment was ruined, though, by someone clearing their throat, causing you and Luke to freeze any movement. "You guys couldn't have, I don't know, taken this to your room?" you heard Michael say, knowing full well he was grinning as he spoke.

"O-Oh, God..." you mumbled, your blush quickly spreading to your ears as you tried to hide your face in your hands. 

"J-Just because you lads have a spare key doesn't mean that you shouldn't knock before entering someone's house," you heard Luke say before you felt him pull out of you quickly and using his jacket to cover your body. 

"We did knock, you just were too busy to hear it," Ashton said, chuckling a bit as his curls fell over his eyes. 

"C-Can you guys, I-I don't know, step outside!" you snapped, your blush now going down your neck as the three boys laughed a bit.

Ashton: You gasped softly and gripped the pillow case tightly as you moaned loudly, tilting your neck as you felt Ashton bite your skin gently. "A-Ash," you choked out, biting your lip when he suddenly thrusted harder. You felt the tip of his cock hit the entrance of your womb causing you to choke out a slight scream before you felt a hand cover your mouth.

"Remember, you have to keep quiet, baby girl~. Don't wanna let the boys hear you~," he whispered in your ear, grinning as you whimpered weakly. 

He could feel your body shaking underneath him as he used his other hand to hold your hips up, his hips moving quickly as he thrusted his length into you. He felt your walls tighten and twitch around his cock which caused him to let out a soft groan, bucking his hips into you roughly with a soft growl.

You moaned against his hand and arched your back while bucking your hips back against him, a knot forming in your lower abdomen as he continued to pound against your womb. You gasped and let out a whine when he suddenly pulled out of you only to let out a surprised squeak when he rolled you on to your back. 

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