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Okay, so, I'm gonna be finishing up the final part of the 'You're not experienced and he teachers you' preference, finishing off with Michael, Then after that, I have a couple of preferences already done for this one but I was waiting until I finished the last four parter that I had started cause that's how I am.

Also, like I asked in my One Direction Preferences/Imagines collection, I'm gonna ask here even though I'll probably do it anyway but I was wondering if you guys wanted me to do a 5 Seconds of Summer BSM Preference collection as well, cause I'm gonna be doing the One Direction BSM Preference collection as well.

So, if you like the idea, leave a comment below or vote for this and even if I don't get anything, I'll be making both of them anyway. Anyway, thank you for reading. My laptop is about to die and I'm about to go with my mom back to her place and she doesn't have any WiFI so I'll be back tomorrow probably! Love you all!

Ciao, lovelies.

5 Seconds of Summer Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now