Preference 51.2: You're blind (Part 2)...

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/3 months later\

Luke: You were at the park waiting for Luke to arrive. For three months you two had gotten close, he offered to help you with anything you needed, even helped explain things to you so you could imagine what they looked like. You had grown to like him but deep inside you knew he wouldn't feel the same about you. You always wondered why he even bothered to hang out with you, no one liked you all because you were blind.

You raised your head as you felt a hand on your shoulder and smiled, knowing who it was. "Hi, Luke," you said, hearing him chuckle.

"Sorry if I'm late. Had to deal with some things before I could come and meet you."

"It's fine, I wasn't waiting long so don't worry about it."

He smiled and gently grabbed your hand, helping you stand. "Shall we go get some lunch?"

You nodded and smiled, gripping his hand. "I am hungry. My sister wasn't home so I didn't eat breakfast this morning," you said, giggling.

"Then let's go to y/f/r (your/favorite/restaurant)!"

You smiled wide and nodded. "Alright."

He led you to the restaurant and you two talked about whatever came up in your mind. Once you two were done eating, he led you outside and you just walked around. You could feel the fall air touching your skin, which made you smile.

He smiled at you before looking down at your connected hands, a small blush forming. "Hey, Y/n?"

"Yes, Luke?"

"I was wondering...if you'd like to...."

You turned your head towards him, tilting it slightky as you waited patiently for him to finish his question, a small smile on your face.

He sighed and kissed your cheek lightly. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" he finally asked, biting his lip ring gently.

Your eyes widened and you blushed lightly, gripping his hands more as you processed what he had asked.

"If you don't want too it's fine. I underst--"

He blushed as you threw you our arms around his neck to hug him and kiss his chin gently. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Luke."

He smiled and hugged you close, kissing your forehead. "I'm glad."

Ashton: You yawned as you laid on the couch, your head in Ashtons lap as you listened to the boys argue over a movie. You had asked Ashton to keep the fact that you were blind from the boys, scared they'd make fun of you.

"Let's have Y/n choice!" you heard Michael yell.

Your eyes widen and you felt Ashton tense up, his hand resting on your head. "U-uh....what were the choices again?" you asked, biting your lip.

The boys stared at you as they held the movies up in front of you, glancing at Ashton as you stared ahead. He smiled nervously before sighing and rubbing your head.

You pouted, knowing they had figured out your secret, and turned to hide your face in Ashtons stomach.

"She can't see...can she?" Luke asked, looking at Ashton.


"Why didn't you tell us?"

"She was scared that you guys would treat her differebtly."

"We wouldn't do that!"

"Yeah. Y/n is part of the group after all."

You slowly turned over and felt them kiss your forehead. "All at once?! Really?!" you said, pouting as they laughed.

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