Preference 37. Listening to music...

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Luke: You two would listen anywhere. Music was the reason you two met. You two were sitting next to each other on a plane and you were bummed out that you had left your headphones in your suitcase. So he offered to share headphones with you and when you agreed you were surprised when you learned you both had the same taste in music. The whole plane ride you two talked about music.

Ashton: You were in a guitar hero championship and had the drums, your favorite instrument. You picked the hardest song and you just smirked when people started saying you wouldn't get the notes right. When you proved them wrong, getting a perfect hit on all the notes, you were shocked when Ashton handed you the award and his number, saying he'd love to see what else you could do.

Calum: You were in a music shop when you met him. You both went for the last of the same CD and of course you argued you had the right to take it. In the end someone else took it while you two were arguing over it. You didn't leave empty handed though because he gave you his number and you two talked about every genre of music you liked and you even listened to a few together.

Michael: You were in your garage jamming out to Green Day, You were playing American Idiot when you heard something fall behind you causing you to stop and spin around to see your neighbor, Michael, watching you from the back door. You were so embarrassed because no one knew you liked to do things like this. But when he asked if he could join you, you were surprised but of course you agreed.

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