First Time For Everything

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Yo! So the title isn't the best one that I have come up with since most of my titles come from songs but this one is different. I was thinking that I would try something different. Something that might change the rating on here from [PG-13] Parents Strongly Cautioned to [R] Restricted. So...I wanna warn you all that if you aren't at least 17 years and older please be careful. I don't want to get in trouble with this.

Prompt: She was dating one of them but also had a secret thing for the other. He knew of this, both of them knew. She they decided to try something new that might actually be fun for all three of them.

Like I said, please be careful. I hope y'all like this though!


For two years now, Courtney Ivory has dating the one and only Ashton Irwin; the drummer from the Australian pop rock band 5 Seconds of Summer, or 5sos for short. She was so in love with him it was so sickening to the other members of the band.

She had a secret though, a secret that no body else knew of except for her bestfriend Savannah Peters, Michael Cliffords girlfriend of three years; she secretly liked Calum Hood, one of Ashtons' best mates. Crazy, right? Well she knew that if anyone else found that Ashton would break up with her and she didn't want that because she still loved him, more than anything in the world.

Little did she know though that both the boys, Ashton and Calum that is, knew about it from the get go. Well, they knew about it for half a year. Ashton knew that Courtney loved him so he never said anything, wanting her to tell him herself, but it's been months and she hasn't said anything.

He and Calum started talking one day while Courtney was at work. They even invited Savannah over to help them out with something. So, when they heard the door bell go off, Calum was the first one to the door. When he opened it he was surprised to see Savannah standing there in a dress and heels. They were so use to seeing her in jeans and a t-shirt.

They didn't even know that they were staring until she whistled. "My eyes are up here, lads," she said, walking in and plopping on the couch.

"S-Sorry," Calum mumbled, closing the door. "But, um, what's with the outfit?"

"Mikey reserved a table for us at Nandos since were going to be in England for a while, to celebrate our three year anniversary. I thought I would wear a dress for him," she said, shrugging. "Besides, I'm not a freaking tomboy. I do wear skirts and dresses at times. You guys are just never around." She crossed her arms over her chest and looked up at them both. "Now, why was I called here?"

"We need your help with something," Ashton said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"With what?"

"Something that has to do with Courtney," Calum mumbled, sitting in the armchair across from her.

She raised an eyebrow and looked at them both. "What about Court?"

"Well," Ashton started, looking at Calum.


They both looked at Savannah, who had uncrossed her arms and leaned forward, resting her forearms on her knees. "Don't tell you both know?"

"If by know, you mean that she has a thing for me while she's dating Ashton, then yes, we know," Calum said, looking at his lap.

She looked at Ashton and narrowed her eyes at him. "If this is something that is to give you an idea to break up with her I swear to god, Ashton, I will grab a knife from the kitchen and make you a girl," she growled, glaring at him.

He quickly shook his head and waved his arms around. "No! That's not what this is! And even if it was, I would rather die before you have to deal with me! Michael would have to hold you back and unfortunately, he isn't here!"

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