BSM 1. He leaves for tour...

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Here it is, the first Brother-Sister Moment Preference I first wrote a few years ago and just now revised and decided it was good enough to post!


Luke: 2 years old

You were sitting in his lap at the airport, your thumb in your mouth and your free hand tightly gripping his jacket as he bounced you gently. Being the only baby girl of four children, you were spoiled quite a bit by your brothers, Luke more than Ben and Jack. Yet, weeks leading up to his departure, he had spent all his free time with you which made you happy.

So, you were confused when you sat in your brother's lap and looked around at all the people walking by, wondering where you were. You were distracted though when Luke tapped your nose softly while saying a soft 'boop', your eyes crossing as you tried to look at your nose.

Luke laughed softly and gently rubbed your head, smiling as you looked up at him with a pout. "Sorry, princess. I couldn't resist," he said, kissing your forehead gently.

You whined softly and reached up, tapping his nose with your hand gently with a smile on your lips. Your smile widened as he laughed again, a giggle leaving your lips while you clapped happily. "I'm gonna miss you so much," he mumbled, sighing softly.

"Oh, Luke, it's only for a couple of months and you'll be able to Skype her," Liz said softly, rubbing his back with a smile, "and you know she won't sleep unless you sing to her so I'll be calling you for help."

He chuckled and nodded, looking up as he heard Ashton calling for him. "Well, looks like I've gotta go..." he mumbled, looking down at you with a sad smile. "You better behave~."

You stared at him with a smile on your face and giggled gently, gripping his shirt a bit tighter. You started to blink when Liz gently took you from his lap, a whine leaving your lips as your grip tightened on his shirt and a pout formed on your lips, shaking your head quickly.

Luke gently pried your hands from his shirt and gave them a soft kiss than placing one on your forehead, slowly standing up while picking his bag up. "I'll call you guys when we get to the hotel," he said, smiling gently at your pouty face.

You held your little hands out towards him and let out soft whimpers, confused about why Luke was leaving. You watched as he ran towards his friends before you looked up at Ben who gently rubbed your head, a smile on his face. "Don't worry, love, he'll come back," he said, chuckling as your pout quickly disappeared and turned into a smile.

Ashton: 4 years old

Your hand was in Ashton's as you walked beside him into the airport, your stuffed animal in your arm as you looked around. "Big," you mumbled, moving closer to Ashton.

He laughed softly and stopped walking to gently pick you up, placing you on his hip. "Better?" he asked, smiling as you nodded. "Good. Let's go find the guys than you have to go back to mum."

"No! Go with Ashy," you said proudly, smiling wide at him.

"You know you can't, love," he said, raising an eyebrow when your smile disappeared. "I promise that I'll call you every day but you have to behave for mum and your siblings."

You frowned but nodded slowly, letting out a sigh. "Otay, Ashy," you mumbled, hugging your toy tightly as tears began to form.

"Princess, don't cry," he whispered, going over to a bench and setting you down on it while he kneeled down a bit. "I'll be able to come back for Thanksgiving next month. A month will go by quickly as long as you smile~."

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