Ice Princess

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Yo! So, I got this idea when I was making an outfit on polyvore and also when I was reading a book from the library. I got a few ideas but thought I would start with this one! I have a big imagination and sometimes it gets me introuble! But I'm so happy today because I found out I passed the Reading part of my ACT and that I won't have to take the reading FCAT again! And when I'm happy I write! Also this is a Michael Clifford Imagine!

Prompt: She was known all around the school, everyone knew her. They knew of her past and what caused her to be so scared. They even knew not to mess with her because she even scared them. So she lives in fear, well, until she meets him. He helps her with her fears and gets her to open up.

Well.....that summary sucked....but I hope you guys will enjoy it! It may be a bit longer than the others....I think. And it may not get to where Michael comes in for awhile...and yes this is just going to be a really long Imagine! I'm that bored and I don't feel like making this a full on story since it might be really short!


I have a question for all you people; do you believe in powers? You know, like the power to control things with their minds, to read someones mind, to fly, super-strength, etc.? Well, if you do then that's great but if you never have, well, I think you should stick around to hear the rest of this story.

Now some people are born with powers, right? That's because both their parents or one of their parents may have a power but to be honest not every child born into a family who has powers will have powers. But if they do, they may have either one of their parents powers or they were born with their own power.

So, thinking about that would you think that someone who doesn't have parents who have powers would have powers? No because it's very rare, meaning it doesn't happen much, but if it does than it's a miracle. The thing is that some people who are born with powers don't know it until a certain age. Some find out when they are thirteen while others find out when they are around eighteen.

Either way, you won't know unless something happens and you realize you have powers. For those whose parents don't have powers but they some how get it, they start freaking out. For the ones who live with parents who have powers, they learn about it before they get their powers so they don't freak out. Though sometimes they might not have powers.

This story though is about one particular power that is so rare that only three poeple in the world have it, and those three all used it for evil. This power can not be clarified as good or evil because you can use it for both but it depends on the person who has the power. You may be wondering what that power is, right? Well, the power is ice. Yeah, ice. I know it doesn't sound so great but if used in anyway you can do anything!

So, now that I've given you some information on what you need to know, I think it's time that you hear the story of how a girl was born into a normal family seventeen years ago but somehow got powers. She was known as the Ice Princess throughout her school. It was her nickname because she loved to eat ice and everyone thought she was weird. That was before she found out though.

She found out when she was in class, looking out the window. She was super bored of the class and since there was a sub they really didn't have to do anything. This is where I will take you first, to see how it happened.

She was sitting at her desk when she felt something hit her in the back of the head. She turned around and looked at the floor to see a paper ball. She sighed and looked back out the window, ignoring everyone as they started making jokes about her. But one joke was more like an insult to her; "She's so weird. I mean, who eats ice? It's cold and tastes like water!" (A/N: not the best insult I know!)

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