Preference 83.2: Matching Tattoo's (Alternate)...

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Well, here is part two of the Matching Tattoo's. This one will be different because instead, the different story lines will change. The tattoos will be the same but yeah. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Summary: You and your partner decided to get matching tattoo's. Since you've had them, you have noticed that they turn warm when your partner is happy and cool when they're sad or angry. Your partner is away for the weekend and your tattoo is really starting to burn...What's happening?



You had been with your family for the weekend, leaving Luke to watch the house

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You had been with your family for the weekend, leaving Luke to watch the house. Your father was sick and it was his birthday so you decided to bring back your father-daughter day but made it into a weekend thing. You enjoyed every minute of it but you were questioning things after the second day of being with your father. 

You and Luke had decided to get matching tattoos on your nineteenth birthday, his treat. And since then, you both learned that the other can feel what you're feeling; happy or sad. You thought it was a bit annoying because you didn't want to bother Luke if you suddenly became upset while watching a movie. 

That was months ago, most likely three months, and within that time when you were away for a weekend, your wrist would suddenly feel warm. You figured it was nothing. Thinking he was probably spending time with the boys or enjoying some time alone. But it continued every time you were away. You thought of asking Ashton to look in on it but you didn't want to be a burden on him. 

So after the weekend was over, you said your byes and headed home as quick and safely as possible. You were planning on surprising Luke a day early until you felt your tattoo start to burn. You gripped the steering wheel tightly and groaned before you pulled into your driveway. 

You pushed open the door and walked in only to freeze at the sight of clothes scattered over the floor. You looked around, noticing a few articles of clothing were female. You felt your blood boil even more when you heard giggles and moans coming from your bedroom. You dropped your bag on the couch and headed down the hall, pushing open the door. You froze when you saw Luke on top of a busty blonde, his back towards you. He hadn't noticed you were there yet. 

So, you grabbed his shoe and threw it at him, crossing your arms over your chest as he yelled and they both looked in your direction, freezing. "Yeah, hi! I'm so glad to meet Luke's new girlfriend~," you said before glaring at him and watching him glance at his tattoo. "Yeah, I'm mad! Out of my house! Both of you!" 


"No, Luke, you don't have the right to say anything. You cheated on me, probably since we got the tattoos! You told me you loved me then you go and do this shit! I don't wanna see your face again! Now get out of my house!" you screamed, grabbing his clothes and throwing them at him, watching him getting dressed quickly and get out of there with the girl. 

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